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Everything posted by neil.c

  1. just a new pic of sid, hes coming on lovely.
  2. Thanks for the positive reply judy, and sherrie when I went towards him he just let out a low sort of growling sound so I just associated this with aggression.
  3. Hi all, we have only had our grey, Sid, since Sunday he is only nearly 15 weeks old. When we first approached him in his new cage he would fluff up, beak open and try and bite. Now I know it can take a while for him to settle down and for him to get used to us, not us used to him. Yesterday I sat with him for a couple of hours just with his cage door open just talking to him gently. What I need to know is that when he showed a little bit of aggression I just showed him the back of my clenched fist so he could not get a grip if he tried to bite, now at the end of those couple of hours he was trying to climb out of his doorway then everytime I put my hand to stroke him I showed him the back of my hand first, he started making a "baby" rasping sound in his throat and put his head down for me to stroke him!, have I done this the right way, and is that him showing first signs of learning and showing affection? Or am I going about it the wrong way?, thanks guys.
  4. well we went with the baby, we just thought the baby would be more "open?" but my brother in law wants one so we have put him in touch with the birds owner, but i have told him to join a forum like this one and do research first to get an understanding.
  5. thanks guys, he is a little bit apprehensive at the moment, we are just going about our daily business and letting him watch us all doing whatever, he had a little bit of squaky tantrum earlier, and he has had a couple of nips out of me, but he is nervous, a new surroundings and all that. gonna give him some space and quiet attention, love him to bits already.
  6. as promised a pic of our new baby, sid, 14 weeks old.
  7. Ok guys here is my dilema, we are to get our new baby grey today, 15 weeks old and a real cutey, thing is i have been offered another grey but she is 5 years old, she has a nice big cage and all her toys that come with her for a lot less cash. Now the thing is do i go for the baby and bring him up our way, or do i go for the older bird and give her a loving home. Now i know that the older bird will be somewhat set in her ways but is she still young enough to learn from new "parents". Any advice would be appreciated. Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
  8. Thanks for the warm welcome guys its appreciated. Whoever took my last grey i just hope either they looked after him or at least found him a good home thats all i can hope and pray for. We pick our new addition up in the morning so a bit excited!, i will share him with you all very soon.
  9. HI all just to introduce myself, i live in Bradford, England, and am just about to get my new baby grey. He is 15 weeks old and lovely!. this will be my second bird, 2 years ago we were burgled, daytime as well!!!, they took my camera, my jewelry and a few other things but heartbreakingly they took my grey, he was 2 years old and we had him from a baby as well, we were devastated, but any way we have a new addition to the family so cant wait. Anyway just to say hi and i hope to be here for a while.
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