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About key87

  • Birthday 03/13/1987

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. WThanks very much buffy, I've tossed and turned in bed at night and wondered what I should do I'm going to leave it for a while get more knowledge on breeding the greys but everyone on here as been a good help just some are more in love with there birds than others but like you also stated it isn't a breeding forum I've now joined a breeders forum and there's a lot of help and advice from breeders all over the world and the main advice they give me is "you will never learn until you have got a good pair of greys" with is quiet obvious thanks for the support .
  2. im not trying to make money off birds at all which i have said a few times, im against imported wild birds i am infact a member of one of the organisations over in england and thats were i got the idea of breeding british reared greys so there are more in the country but now its something im not going to do, im going to stick with the parrakeets that i have and take in whatever i learn
  3. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
  4. hi thanks for the welcomes, i tried to load pictures last night to introduce my two greys but it keeps giving me and error message i will see what i can do later but first there name are pluck and charlie they are 4 & 8 years old, pictures later thanks
  5. i would love and i mean love to take in abandoned grey it would make me feel so good to no that i can help these birds and give them the best time of there lives forever but i dont no if your from england but i dont know if abandoned greys is that much of a problem, i live in a very large property with lots of room for greys so i would love to do it, i have a silly tame CAG and a TAG and im in love with the two birds im there best friend they come to work with me everyday because i dont want them getting board and start plucking im a courier and they are happy as ever being drove round the country from 9-5, i no what greywing says is true but people buy handreared greys because they see them in shop and think "wow i want one" then further down the line they think there to noisy, dusty and they make a mess, ive got a mate who did it then i came in and took his TAG from him and now hes happier than ever, im not trying to make enemis on this site i was just making sure i was making the right choice, i feel confident about doing it and would love to do it but with all the comments from this forum i think its only right to do more reserch and see if my confidence grows even more, so i just want to say thanks to all the people who have commented, you have all opened my eyes a little more than they were, THANKYOU!!!!
  6. hi again, i understand were your all coming from i wouldnt trust a beginner myself, but alls i do all day is reserch on how to give a breeding pair the best i can give and there isnt alot out there to help thats why i thought of coming to a african greys forum to see if any breeders can give me the best advice they can give im in no hurry in buying greys but i really want to try it some day i will do years of reserch if i have to im only 23 ive got years to give it shot but when ive got people trying to put me off it winds me up because its an hobby for me unlike most breeder who do it to make a profit out of hand reared chicks to me thats just wrong but i cant stop that, alls i asked for was a little advice from someone who new what they were doing example dave, but he must like the though of a beginner giving it a shot, but i belive i will be succesfull in breeding a pair it may take years before i buy a pair but it will happen
  7. ok then no worries i just though someone would help, sounds like everyone just woke up with experiance in breeding greys on this site! thanks anyway
  8. And yes i do know theres a big difference in hand rearing budgies and greys but i have clearly stated that if i dont need to handrear i wont
  9. thanks dave that was a lot of questions... i know the answers to them all but two, i just need to no the area and there dietry needs, if everyone would read the question i asked properly thats what i am asking for ive studied breeding them for 6 month and learned quite alot about breeding greys, im just reading lots of different thing about the area they should be kept in and what foods/veg/fruits plus there calcium etc
  10. yeah ive got 6 years exp with handrearing i used to breed parakeets which yes i know is completly different but i handreared there chicks, i dont plan on handrearing the chicks if i dont need to im intrested in trying to get more british breeding pairs instead of imported pairs, i just want a little info on what size there flight needs to be because ive read they need be 3x3 cubes then ive read they need a 6ft long avairy with flight then people say they dont need a flight, i know about lighting ive got an automatic dimmer connected to a spectrum light running off a solar panel so i think im sorted with the lighting
  11. i know i need do more reserch thats why ive posted this for advice ive done 6 months reserch about all the above things you have mentioned im just looking for breeders advice thanks
  12. hi all, im wondering if anyone can help......im thinking of buying a breeding pair of african greys because i love them to bits ive already got a hand reared grey, but would like to breed a pair so i need advice before i rush into things ive been told that the best cage is the smallest is this right?. i need to know which is the best food to feed the pair and what kind of cage/flight and what size, ive already got a avairy which is 6ft X 8ft is this big enough? if any breeders out there can help please do so!. thanks kieron!
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