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About Shoulderin

  • Birthday 07/31/1961


  • Biography
    Love animals! Just got my first parrot-female baby


  • Location
    Southern California


  • Interests
    Dressage, reading, animal care

Shoulderin's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I am going to look at some childrens apps that tie language to a game!!
  2. Hi! This may sound nutty but many adorable grey Bodhi is obsessed with my iPad and new tablet which is android based. She tries to interact with the screen and when her tongue touches it, it will respond! I let try out a bubble popping game which she seemed to like. Has anyonehad this experience? Should I encourage this? Any game ideas?
  3. So professionally made! I bought the materials but am too lazy to make one
  4. Happy birthday! He may not talk but I bet he listens!
  5. I have a ten month old grey and two white winged parakeets. For some reason they LOVE her cage and climb over to hang out. While Bodhi does not play with them she is very tolerant and polite..surprising given they are so tiny!
  6. My baby CAG was about 5 months old and clipped. I had her on her stand outside while I was cleaning her cage and dropped the tray. The loud clang scared her and she flew away, around the side of my property and over the fence to the neighbors yard. At least 500 feet. The gardner next door found her so I was able to get her back right away but I immediately took her to be trimmed the next day. I have too many kids and pets leaving doors open to take a chance on this again and there are many hawks and coyotes where I live to take any chances. I do try to help compensate for this by fake flying her (running while she flaps her wings holding onto my fingers ) and taking her on outings as well as to give her the most attention and nurturing I can.
  7. Bodhi is ten months and not talking yet! Im not too concerned if she does or doesn't because we communicate just fine already. I'm convinced she understands a lot of what I say already.
  8. The two posts are really helpful. I will try both methods and see how she reacts! I can handle her anger if it's for a good cause butni don't want her to be frightened or traumatized!!
  9. Is there any way to gently help her enjoy water? When i spray her she doesnt look stressed, just irritated, but when i bring her in the shower she squawks and tries to escape. I did put a bath in her cage for awhile but she never used it.
  10. I take her into the shower daily but she hates water so I let her sit on thenshower rod. I spray her with aloe at least 2-3 days per week against her wishes. She is pulling only the soft downy feathers and I don't see any new feathers except on her tail..she has a lot of broken feathers as she is always trying to fly and has hard landings. She eats parrot seed mix, pellets, and lots of veggies and some fruit. She is a very affectionate bird and wants to be held and petted all the time. She is free all day and has two white winged parakeets for company. Other family members are home but she has no interest in them. I give her one hour in the morning and she is with me all evening until bedtime. she get 6-7 hours of attention daily. No new stresses or changes in the house and she seems her usual happy self! She is kept near a French door so gets plenty if sunlight...what is an avian light? Do I need one? Thanks!
  11. About three days ago my 9 month old CAG started plucking her downy feathers. She seems to dig around in her feathers, then pulls one and makes a small squawking noise. I would not say there are a ton of feathers around her cage and she does not look any different, but it is a new behavior. She will do it in front of me and when alone. I gave her a bath and sprayed Aloe on her hoping that would help. she is not stressed and there are no changes in the house. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
  12. Wow, that's great! My 9 month old is mimicking lots of sounds but no clear words yet.
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