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About TAGSugar

  • Birthday 03/12/1984

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks everyone! Since we tried everything else - ducking or blocking with our arms (she would turn around to attack me or fly at me from wherever she landed, not to mention some nasty bites from her landing on my arms), moving to a different side of the room, covering my head with a towel while I was in the same room (yea, we were THAT desperate!), we decided to look into clipping. This behavior has been going on for about 6 months now and it's becoming increasingly worse everyday. I consulted with my avian vet and we decided to clip her a little. She can still fly short distances and has no trouble controlling herself when she flies off the perch, she's just no longer able to fly to the next room to find me if she's in a different room with my husband! She still tries to attack but it's less frequent now that it's no so easy for her to dive bomb me!
  2. Hi Everyone. Our 11yo TAG has become quite the flier. She came to us from a rescue just over 2 years ago and her bad wing clip has finally grown out. She's learned to fly pretty well over the last few months and, normally, I think it's great! HOWEVER, she's found that she can attack people quite easily by flying up and dive bombing onto them. I'm her usual target - she loves to fly at me, attack my head/face - but she'll also do it to the dogs and my husband (rarely, but it did happen this weekend). We are at a loss about what to do. It's happening so frequently that it's hard for me to have her out of the cage. It's not always very hard but she has drawn blood and she will continue to attack when I get her out of my hair and back onto her perch. We have been considering clipping her wings again (I know there is a lot of controversy about wing clipping and it breaks my heart to consider it) but we're really at a loss about how to stop the attacks. Any advice is much appreciated!!
  3. Morana - none at all, she was talking up a storm during her bath today! I did take the dogs to daycare and she was alone during the day for the first time in a while - maybe she's upset about that? Luvparrots - that makes me feel better! I thought all parrots were supposed to be standing on one leg when they were hanging out!
  4. Hi Everyone! It's been a while since I've posted, since everything has been great! I recently read that you can tell if a parrot is sick by the way it stands. Sugar usually stands on one leg when she's on her perch, but has been standing on 2 all day. Her droppings/demeanor seem to be normal. Should I be concerned?? Thanks for your help!
  5. Here's Sugar, looking much happier after her beak trim! and finally, her saying BOOP!
  6. Thank you for the help everyone! I decided to take her in to the vet and I'm so glad I did! She was able to file down her beak, give it a quick mineral oil shine, and teach me a lot about her!! I was more worried than Sugar was - apparently she's a pro at this! She squeaked a bit when they toweled her, but other than that she was dancing on her travel perch!
  7. Hi Everyone! I just posted a question in the health section and it was suggested I do a little intro, so here we go! Sugar is an 8 year old Timneh! We adopted her from the Tuscon Avian Rescue and Adoption Foundation in Tucson, AZ this past December. She loves to sing and talk, imitates our dogs' squeaky toy noise perfectly and LOVES to eat! She prefers my husband but has really warmed up to me since he's been away. (He's in the Army.) This past week was the first time I've been able to transport her from cage to perch using my hand instead of our usual stick! It was a HUGE breakthrough for us! I expect she'll go back to disliking me when he gets home, but we're doing quite well right now! I'm definitely a Grey newbie and am looking forward to reading the forums!
  8. Hi Everyone! I'm a new bird owner, we've had our Grey for about 2 months now. My husband grew up with birds, so he knows a lot more than I do, but is away right now. I noticed our birds beak appears to be chipped on the bottom - it was not like this last night, though she was rubbing her beak on the sanding perch while eating this morning. It doesn't appear to be bothering her, she's still eating and preening like normal. Is there something I can do for it or should I just leave it alone and let it grow out? I'm just concerned because, since it's a chip, the other side is longer - will that side chip off on it's own? I'm including pictures for reference. Thank you in advance!
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