Hi I'm new to this forum and hope I can learn many things to understand more about my cag..
Recently I own 2 cag..... I haven't DNA test them yet cause its hard to find to do the test since..... I'm from Indonesia anyway...
My first cag named smokey.... It's a wild and agresive parrot and hard to come near by.... He will growl and try to bite... I'm still trying to tame anyway... Smokey just want to eat sunflower seed and corn... Always refuse to eat other fresh food and pellet.... Still trying to switch his food... Its so great that I found this forum... Hope I can learn a lot here...
My other cag named Olaf... I got him when he is just around 7 week (my friend is a breeder) and hand feed him... Olaf is so gentle and attach to me... He always whistle when I call him... Or when he see me nearby.... Olaf eat almost everything I offer since I try to introduce him with many kind of food.... Now he can do some trick like step up.... Shake hand and spin...
I just offer him sunflower seed as a treat when I train him... Now Olaf I in flight training... Sometime he try to fly around the house... Hopefully I can train him to fly when I call him
The only pellet I can find around my area is zupreem... I use the brown color and the fruit blend.... My cag seems prefer to eat the colorful pellet (fruitblend) and a lot of waste if I feed the the brown one.. I think due to its sized... So I try to cut them using my dog nail clipper into smaller size and since there no more waste on the pellet....
So my schedule is I offer fresh food in the morning and pellet in the afternoon time....I give the fruit blend twice a week and the other day is the natural color one... Cause I think the mix fruit ingredients inside (although I didn't like the color too) but it smell nice.... My cag love it so much..... I try to change the fresh food variety every other day...