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About ryknoll3

  • Birthday 06/29/1980

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I put my grey's PVC t-stand in the shower and spray him down with a plant mister. He doesn't seem to mind it too much. I just let the water fall down onto him.
  2. I don't see him doing it all the time, but sometimes my 3 month old Timneh will pick at his poop when he's out of his cage. I try to keep everything picked up, and when I see him do it, I move him away from the poop and clean it up. First time I saw him do it, I thought he'd just pick some up, figure out what it was and then leave it alone, but I've seen him pick some up, chew and then go back for more. Couple questions: 1. Is this at all normal? 2. I assume his droppings are NOT good for him. Does this indicate any kind of problem or nutritional difficiency. 3. How do I get him to stop?
  3. I saw a bunch of wild quakers sitting in a tree a couple of weeks ago here in the Chicago area, and it's been in the 20's.
  4. I checked on this with the seller, as I'm in the market for a cage myself. They confirmed that you ARE getting the cage in the smaller pictures, the better cage. They stated that the main picture was an old one.
  5. I am buying a Timneh and may have the opportunity to choose the sex of the baby that I get. I won't be able to go see them in person (which I'd prefer) since the breeder is quite far away. Would you choose one over the other? How do the different genders relate to their owners? How are they different around the time of achieving sexual maturity? I know every bird is different. I was just wondering if it mattered when it came down to it.
  6. Hey everyone! This is my first post here. My wife and I are going to be bringing home a baby TAG in a couple months or so and I am shopping for a cage for it. This is what I had in mind .....http://www.petsolutions.com/storefront/bird/pet-bird/cages-carriers/the-royalty-suite/prodTheRoyaltySuite.html Does anyone have experience with this cage? It seemed like a decent size. Is there anything that anyone can mention as must-have features? Thanks for the help. I've really enjoyed the reading I've done here so far. It's all been very informative and educational. You guys have some awesome greys out there!
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