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Everything posted by Beakster

  1. welcome back !! I'm a newbie here an looking for what ever I can to prepare my journey with a TAG.. I look forward to buying one soon..
  2. Hello Angie Sit back an relax everyone here will help you in your new journey... It will be a fun one, cause everyone here is Great!! Any an every question is a great one so don't be shy an ask... Shawn
  3. Hello Sarah an welcome here.. you will be glad you found this place cause I am... I to am about to get a Grey.. Just sitting back an reading what ever info an different point of views I can find here.. Shawn
  4. Thanks to everyone for the different points.. I guess it is time to look some more..
  5. If the Alum. oxidizes over time can that cause harm in any way??? I think I could put up with worn down look after many years.. I just don't wanna buy something an have to replace it in a few years.. There homes can be costly.. But so can ares!!! LOL What are the sizes most people have for there African Grey??? Thanks Shawn
  6. Ok been doing a lot of searching online.. For a cage I see we have Powder coated , Aluminum, an Stainless Steel.. What does everyone prefer ?? Powder Coated - I seen up an downs on these, but how long are they good for... Aluminum - ????? I haven't seen much Stainless Steel - being the best to last the longest.. Will look forward to any input! Here is the one link I was checking prices out is there better prices out there in Canada http://www.wctropicalbird.com/king_cages.htm Just wanna start out on on the right foot Thanks Shawn
  7. I haven't had that happen yet but thanks for that very good tip!!!
  8. No I'm not confused.. Just glad to see everyone jumping in.. But if I do I will say so !!
  9. Thanks all to the different point of views... I enjoy seeing different point of views, everyone keep pointing out other ideas... Shawn
  10. I just sent a email out to him, I see the add is a few months old but will give anything a shot to track a TAG down.. In no hurry, so only time will tell.. Do older TAG's go for the same price as a baby??? Never thought of a older one, just cause I would like to be his only owner.. But will keep it in mind!!! Thanks again to Everyone Shawn
  11. Thanks to everyone I have checked out the one Dave posted when I get a chance will email the guy..
  12. Hello to Everyone Hi to all .. Where is everyone from??? I'm from Ontario Canada.. In search of some good Breeders for a TAG... I have been in love with these birds since the 1st time I seen one at the pet stores..I have emailed some Breeders but they never seem to get back to me.. So I would thought I would join a Forum an see if anyone can recommend some Good Breeders for me ... Thanks for any Help Looking forward to doing some more reading in here, excellent Forum Shawn
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