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Everything posted by tinaboom

  1. were actually moving back in 2012 lol and the pups come to the bedroom with us so lilly is all on her own downstairs in her covered cage
  2. Jayd it's illegal to sell a bird un weaned in the uk and breeders will not let them go until there at least 12 weeks old that's why I said 12 weeks
  3. Where was I harsh I just said that the baby would be weaned and she wouldn't have to worry about that side of it. If the person in question wants to learn that side of it then good for her I was simply stating that when u picked your bird home they are 12 weeks and are weaned I see nothing harsh about that at all
  4. The baby should be fully weaned before you can take the bird home thats usually when there 12 weeks so you wont have to worry about that side of things.
  5. yeah its just a patient thing, lilly is a baby just 13 wks today and not clipped, the good thing being neo's feathers will be swapped out for full feathers back in his next molt, then he will have to learn how to land bless him, lilly still does the crash thing still not mastered that completly yet she has a couple of places shes good at landing the rest she crashes, hopefully she get better before the weather warms up so we can take her out to fly on her harness.
  6. shes absolutly gorgeous im so glad that she chose you as her mum, she looks so settled and happy to be with you.
  7. Lilly is flying more and more now and her landings are getting better still getting the odd crash landing but rome wasnt built in a day but i think shes doing great, well lillys had her harness for the last week in her cage with her to get used to it and i have been following the dvd that came with her harness stroking her over her eyes and lifting her wings for the count of 3 shes done really well with that too, today i put the harness over her head and she didnt seem to care that it was around her neck great news, i took it off and about 5 minutes later put it on over her head again in case the first time was a fluke but she seemed fine with it, will progress to the wings at a later date
  8. This morning i put lillys harness just over head and she seemed fine with it, i took it off left it about five minutes and did it again, i will progress to the wings another time
  9. Yes Parrots love a variety of toys just like judy has said also they love a bell but please make sure the bell is not Brass as it is dangerous to your bird. And if your looking on line for the pellet food, then you will be able to find loads of places that do toys for parrots on line as well. Forgot to mention parrots like shredding stuff too so shredding toys are good, and they can go threw certain toys really quick, just telling you this as you may need to get back up toys if you dont have somewhere local to get replacement toys from
  10. I have the avator too its been on lillys cage now for about four days and i havent tried to put it on her yet, i did watch the video and it is very informative it took about two days for lilly to let me run my hand over her eyes so she knows im not going to hurt her and she shuts her eyes and the actual count of up to 3 with the wings she is taking too as well i think im going to wait a bit longer just to make sure shes happy with me doing what im doing before i try, ok im scared of scaring her off it lol, i think she be fine i give it another few days lol
  11. I give lilly a very small amount of either walnut, cob nut, almond or dry coconut, these are very fattening and need to be used sparringly also unshelled and unsalted sunflowers seeds again they should be used sparringly, do not give monkey nuts/ shelled peanuts as these can have a fungus in them. Or just find something that your parrot real likes having but give it sparringly after all its a treat. Just make sure that its healthy for your bird that it wont make them ill, im sure theres a list of things that are healthy for the parrot and whats not on here, and im sure other members can give you a list too.
  12. why are you giving him mainly seeds thats no good for him you need to try and get him on pellets like harrisons, I would take him to the avian vet to get him checked out
  13. nope that pic didnt come out but i have some others lol baby watching lilly Lilly playing with toys Kym watching Lilly play with toys
  14. So sorry for your loss
  15. Oh wishing your parrot well, hope he recovers soon xx
  16. I would never get my Lilly's wings clipped it's taking away something that they do naturally, im sure you wouldnt like your legs cut off or your arms, why dont you harness train it that way the bird can still fly, is not mutilated and you won't lose your bird. The avator harness is ideal. I hope I have not offended anyone, it is my opinion.
  17. Thank you for the welcomes, for those that don't know lilly's pictures are in the nursery thread
  18. Been asked to introduce my self my name is Tina im married to boom aka Wayne, we have a bordeaux, a boxer, a mastiff a bulldog and a cat. We also have Lilly shes our african grey she will be 13 weeks old on friday 15/10. We all currently live in the UK, Wayne is American and I am British we will be relocating in 2012 back to the states with two of our four children, and of course all our pets, which will probably cost more then it will for us to go but they are our pets and as far as we are concerned there part of our family. Just in case your wondering about the other two children there grown adults one has his own family here yes were grandparents, and the other has not decided if he would like to come as of yet
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