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About vanytie

  • Birthday 04/23/1986

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  1. Ah, thankyou! Just the kind of info I was looking for, and good to know I'm not crazy for thinking of renting and living with a Grey. It seems it's mainly big dogs or menageries of pets that landlords are wary of around here so hopefully if I keep on top of the cleaning and make sure Mr/Miss Grey have plenty to chew on that isn't house fixtures things should be ok. Sully is gorgeous by the way. I really like the TAGs - saw a couple for the first time last weekend. Definitely considering a TAG! :cool:
  2. "It doesn't bother her at all to rent to someone who has two dogs, two parrots, three cats, and three chickens! You don't find many like that though!" Tell me about it! Jimmy's sister Laura has a menagerie and still manages to rent quite easily, I'm pretty jealous. At the moment we only have a rabbit, a african pygmy hedgehog and a small fish tank so I'm holding off getting any new pets until we've found a place, and I'm going to let the lardlord know at the start that I plan to get a companion parrot - a parrot comes top of my list any day, much as a dog would be nice in the future. Been scouting out some renting agencies and it seems hopeful in the area we live, quite a few places that don't say 'NO PETS!!!!!!.' As far as working our routine out to share life with a Grey, reggieroo, I sure hope so. There's nothing I want more, and I'm sure it'll work out but I can't help freaking myself out with all the what-ifs. It helps to know there are a bunch of different people out there with a variety of schedules who make it work though, not just the lucky people who can spend all day with the birds
  3. Hi all, I'm new here but am on a number of other forums under the same username in case anyone recognises me. Just joined a couple of Grey forums, as after some deliberation myself and my partner have decided to get an African Grey (CAG or TAG). This won't be until next year, as we have just returned from a round-the-world trip and are currently job hunting, and looking to start renting a place of our own. We are both likely to be working full-time and I was wondering if anyone who is also on a working schedule could share their routines with their Greys, suggestions on minimum out-of-cage time (we would have the AG out every evening and both days at the weekend) and how to balance this with enough sleep! Also, we are going to be renting at least for the next couple of years. Is there anyone else here who rents and keeps parrots and how do you find this arrangement? Thankyou in advance for any help! Philippa and Jimmy
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