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Everything posted by Kasuku101

  1. Hey again guys !! THanks for all your advice !! Its helping me alot . Bambino has been very active and naughty these past few days , he is squeeking a lot and hates being kept in the cage , however , every once in a while I treet him with a sunflower seed but he doesnt seem to crack it open but swallows it completely ! Shoud i be worried ? I know this is not the way they usually eat sunflower seeds . PLease help .
  2. Thanks all! I've been feeding Bambino a "very balanced diet" now. Greens,fruits, pasta with the ocassional sunflower seeds. No pet shops here sell pellets....i bought it online but still haven't received it. He has been eating well but i noticed that when he's in his cage trying to eat, he tends to drop half his food to the bottom of the cage! I feed him a handfull of food in the morning, afternoon and night. Am i over feeding him? Oh and i bought him a swing which he loves! lol
  3. I've only had him for under a week. He's got a few toyss.... but yeah will get him more...he hates his cage and is never in it. I just leave him on his perch....i'm looking for more toys but almost everything i've found so far is for caged birds, toys to play with while IN the cage and not ON the cage.
  4. Thanks, I actually live in Uganda (Africa). The petshops here ALL don't sell pellets! Will try to get them online...His poop is better now..so won't be sending him to the vet. He seemed to enjoy the carrots and grapes which i just fed him. Having looked at the food thread i'll try to mix and match things togather....Oh and what treats could i give him?
  5. Hey all! Just had a quick question...Bambino has been super hyper today & eating well but for some reason though his poo has been watery. He's been on a diet of seeds mainly but a few vegs which he really doesn't like. Could he be sick? Thanks, Mark
  6. Just out of curiousity when your greys get sleepy do they usually puff up and curl one foot in and balance on the other one? lol
  7. Thanks for the advice...yeah the pillow idea would probabely be the best way to go. I think i'll just leave him flighted, but will just have see how he behaves over time. BTW how old was Jasper when you first got him? I noticed that Bambino never flies off his perch during the day, but just after sunset he gets SUPER hyper playing with his toys and making crazy duck noises, lol...that's when he trys to fly off his perch!
  8. Thanks all I've had him for three days now, i'm actually amazed at how quickly he got used to his new home. No words yet, but he gets really chirpy after sunset...I'm excited to when he utters his first word but not too concerned if he does end up talking. Regarding having him flighted i understand that it's much better and actually more humane, having said that though i'm more worried about him flying and getting hurt. He flew off again today, straight into a wall! lol Does anyone have any tips to keep Bambino on his perch? Attached are a few pictures...enjoy
  9. Thanks for the advice peeps! Today he's been much better, started climbing around his cage and bitting the bars. I decided to take him out of the cage and put him on his perch (mounted above the cage) he likes it there! He spent a few hours up there then decided to fly off across my living room and hit the ground Is it time to get his wings clipped again? Oh and at what age do greys begin to talk? He's been making weird duck like noises with the occasional chirp...will post pictures soon. cheers, Mark
  10. Hi everyone! Ok, i have been researching african greys for a few months now, and decided to buy a 6 month old (now 7 months) hand bred grey. I had bought it a month ago but decided to leave it at the pet shop since i was moving homes and was told that they usually go into shock when they first move into a new place. So now that i have settled into my new house, i went to the breeder and picked him up. I named him BAMBINO . He's been with me for a day now and he's been very quiet and just frozen at one spot in his cage. At the pet shop he seemed more social and noisy! lol I guess that's normal right? I was also told that i have to feed him 30 mm of multivitamin mix via a syringe twice a day since he is still young. Would really appricate it if anyone could give me some "new owner tips". Oh and does it have to be dark and quiet for Bambino to sleep? Thanks, Mark
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