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Everything posted by Pradhu

  1. Yeah!!!!! he eat orange slice with me ... i give him a slice and i also eat infront of him (making noise its so yummi) then he eat also (did lots of mess but i m happy but i m also sad about he didnt eat any solid food. what should i do ?
  2. hi all thanx for the such a good advices ... yesterday i read about jyade posts and i followed his recipe which he give his parrot ..... but same thing he didn't look at that side. i tried to feed him by spoon but he didn't like it.. . anyway i m trying to give him some more varity.. hope he like ???? once again thanx for ur advice and opinions...... i will write rest latter if any improvment be seen.... thanx
  3. hi problem is that our grey name Laddu , he is 6 month old he eats only 4 things grapes ,pomgranate,chickpeas,corns.(juicy and soft things but not mashed) we gave him some baby food (but he rejected)... broccoli , carrot ,pears,apple banana, green pea, water melon ,sweet melon,orange,cabbage and many other veggi and fruites . but he all time rejects all things. i gave him pellets too with his sunflowers seeds. but he eat only sunflower not pellet. i gave him sproute and sweet patato also but same thing.... how do i make his interst in other things???? i m very tensed about him what should i give him....? please help us can any one tell which pellet would be best for him and attach a pic of pellet???? and what kind of sproute i should give him ???? Thanx
  4. hi Jilly thanx for ur helping advice. but problem is that i gave him broccoli , carrot ,pears,apple banana, green pea, water melon ,sweet melon,orange,cabbage and many other veggi and fruites . but he all time rejects all things. i gave him pellets too with his sunflowers seeds. but he eat only sunflower not pellet. i gave him sproute and sweet patato also but same thing.... how do i make his interst in other things???? and one more thing is problematic that in noon around 1 to 3 pm . he set on his prech, and he is shaking his body like he feeling cold, and the ame time temprature of room is normal. i mean i don't use a/c in day time beacuse of him.... so is it normal or anything els .... please reply us
  5. thanx for advices now he is fine ...he is making lots of noises and whistle .. but one problem is still remaining , he eats only monotonus food . i give him lots of thing but he doesn't eat.. how many times i have to gv him food ..???? and he comes to my shoulder and sit there and try to climb on my head... but dont let us touch his feather or head????? how can i get him trust..? please give your valueble advise thanx in advance ..
  6. hi forum, please help me out for understanding our grey parrot, 1 oct we bought a 5 month's baby, intialy he didn't react a lot ' we thought he is scared from new home thats why he didn't speak aur react much more like others. in starting he used to eat in every half to 1 hour (only specific things like sweet corn,graps,pomgranate,and boiled chick peas,white beans and little green peas) and making only 2 types of noise when he spread his feather that time only. now its been 2nd week going on ,and suddenly he starting eat only chick pea grapes and pomgranate (only three things )he doent eat corn as he loves corn before, and one more thing in night we coverd his cage wid a blanket and tempreture would be around 70. in morning when we uncoverd blanket from last 2 days he is sneezing with liquid. i m worried about that . what shud i do ???? we have central ac and we put room heater with his cage..... there is lots of thing makes me trouble..... please help me ..
  7. thanx for welcome t bird and coral & andrew :-). nice to b join this forum
  8. Jayd, Thank you! We are really excited on having him. Today is the 3rd day that he is with us. One more thing if I may ask, is that he is awfully quiet. He lets me feed him by my hand, lets me pet him on his belly area, and comes on my arm (with a bit of persuasion), but apart from that just sits, listens and observes quitely; No reaction, and no sound. We have read a lot on forums with Greys being very curious and active, and were just a bit worried about it. One more thing, yesterday we went out and got a lot of toys for him, but he seems uninterested in them. Regards, Prashu & Radhu
  9. Thank you very much for your compliments! Yes we are really proud of him :-) Regarding the daty: Sorry, the date in our camera is not updated. All the pictures were taken just yesterday.
  10. Hello From Kuwait!! After thinking for a long time, we finally got ourselves a Grey!! We have named him Laddu, which means adorable in Hindi. :-) Below are some pics of him. Just a question, the breeder told us that he is around 4 months old, but we feel that he maybe a bit older. Much helpful if anyone can figure out the approximate age from the pictures. Thanks!
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