problem is that our grey name Laddu , he is 6 month old he eats only 4 things grapes ,pomgranate,chickpeas,corns.(juicy and soft things but not mashed)
we gave him some baby food (but he rejected)... broccoli , carrot ,pears,apple banana, green pea, water melon ,sweet melon,orange,cabbage and many other veggi and fruites . but he all time rejects all things. i gave him pellets too with his sunflowers seeds. but he eat only sunflower not pellet. i gave him sproute and sweet patato also but same thing.... how do i make his interst in other things????
i m very tensed about him what should i give him....? please help us
can any one tell which pellet would be best for him and attach a pic of pellet????
and what kind of sproute i should give him ????