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About kathykrik06

  • Birthday 10/15/1972


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. AWW willow is very cute.
  2. My CAG freaks out over water and spray bottles but the vet said CAG'S TAKE BATHES ON THEIR OWN GOOD LUCK
  3. Congradulations on Jasper CAG's are very amazing to me so have fun with jasper.
  4. Your baby is beautiful he/she will amaze you day by day have fun.
  5. I would love to see. The reason I was buying the toys is because Molly had some feathers that looked strange and out of place. So I got concerned about it and took her to my Avain vet who is awesome he is the author of the book called Birds for Dummies Dr. Speer. He told me she was feather chewing and to get some toys to help with forage so I bought some from pet mountain but I saw a couple on that site that were really cute and I thought Molly would like them but I only got the pet mountain box. But I went to the store to buy my weekly veggies for my birds and the grocery clerk had an african grey that was feather plucking and they gave him a phone book and I came home and did the same thing Molly LOVES her phone book. But yes I will be reporting this company thank you. Her is a pic of her and her phone book
  6. My card got charged so I am upset and I e-mailed them twice and no responce so everyone please beaware of this company and pass the word around.
  7. I tried to go the link you posted and it said page not found???
  8. her hatch date was 4/21/2011 my wedding anniversary is the same day but she has been with me since August 15, 2011. The breeder I got her from wanted to make sure she was ready and fully weaned. She has been such a joy to have.
  9. I agree she is very beautiful and I love her so much she is such a joy to have.
  10. Hi I need some advise I have a peach front conure his name is punkypoo and I have had him for almost 2 years and I have a CAG her name is Molly and she is 1 year old and I have had her for 8 months. I have tried to introduce the two of them but punkypoo wants to bite Molly and I am very scared of that. So how could this happen without anyone getting hurt? Mind you they spend most of their day on oppisite sides of the room on their playstands. Any advise will be welcome here are pics of them.
  11. I will keep you informed and let you know how it turns out. I did buy some things from pet mountain they are really resonible prices.
  12. I love Molly very much she is such a sweetheart I never thought I could love a pet so much but I love her soooo much!
  13. I made a purchase at the end of last month so a few weeks ago. I e-mailed the site 8 days ago and they said there was some problems and they would ship my order as soon as possible. So I was wondering if any one here has heard of the company named Nalani Toys the web site is http://www.nalanitoys.com?
  14. Molly who is 11 months old and she started feather chewing so the vet told me to get her some foraging toys and the most resonible place is pet mountain I have your the natures instinct rings of fortune and Molly doesn't like it she loves pineda kind she can tear up and I put a phone book turned upside and she has stopped chewing her feathers she loves her phone book good luck.
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