Thank you all again for your kind thoughts. I'm still very weepy, and can't look at Sebastian without becoming teary, but this morning I went to town to a reputable pet shop. I knew they had a grey there, just inside the door, and I knew I'd be upset, but just had to visit him. Well, as soon as I arrived at his cage he said 'hola' to me and came to where I was standing. I spoke to him and of course burst into tears again. The lady assistant came to see what was wrong so I told her about Jimmy and she said she thought it would be a good idea to get another one. This one is about a year old, but has been hand reared and is very tame. She opened the cage and he immediately stepped onto her hand and started chattering, in Spanish of course. I said I would talk to Sebastian about buying him and may be back. He's been in that shop for a few months now as of course he's expensive and people are trying to be careful nowadays, especially here where businesses are closing down every day and people are losing their jobs. I always spoke to him whenever I went to buy Jimmy's food, never thinking that one day I may bring him home. My friend Trish came to the nearby coffee bar to sit with me for a while and she suggested that, regardless of what Sebastian says, I wait a while before I plunge into buying the new grey. I think this is sensible too. When I arrived home I told Sebastian about the grey in the shop and he said that it was up to me if I wanted to buy him, but I must be totally away that, however nice he is, he's not Jimmy. Sebastian is wise and knows how impulsive I am, so I think i would be best to wait before I decide what to do.
Thanks so much for listening to me, it has been a great comfort and I'm sure you'll be interested in my story.