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About meine

  • Birthday 07/10/1971

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. hi critergyrl. I have exactly the same problem ,only my baby is 7 months old. From what I read so far, we need to wait for him to get confident and come to us ...mean while keep talking with him and give him treats . Do not know how much will take till we can hold and kiss them ,but I am willing to wait for him to show me that he wants to step up on my hands . When ever is on the floor ,I sitt down too and keep talking to him nicely .
  2. Hi again , My Grey name is PIPO ,7 months old ,do not know yet if is a boy or a girl . His favorite food is sweet corn and of course seeds. He love all kind of toys specially he loves braking bells Is lovely and already can bark and say " Coco" thank you for taking the time to look at him and read .
  3. Hi Every one again I thought will be nice if is possible to make a tread and tell a short story about our Grey ( age,gender,his favorite food ,toys etc) and add a picture or few. Thank you . I will start
  4. in last photo he is saluting every body and thanking for advising his mami
  5. thank you all . things got better here . I give him just a little boiled chicken meat and .....surprise , when ever I use to leave him alone , he was calling me ....saying "coco" barking and making like a my love birds. Did not know that they can speak around 6-7 months . You all are doing a great think by giving us advices and be there when we got in "trouble"
  6. Hi every one, I have Pipo for a week now and yesterday things going perfect . He almost accepted me ,taking food from my hand ,introducing him new toys....etc I got to confident and I open the cage on top . After few minutes he fall on the floor and i pick him up in my arms with a blanket. Of course ,I kiss him ,scratch his head and talk softly ....he look to like it. My big stupidity made me look at his under tale ....lo see the 10 feathers who will help me guess what gender Pipo is ....and I lose the blanket a bit. He escape ,scratch me on my arm and to be sure he will not hurt himself I catch him quickly and put him safe in his cage. Since then ,he stay only with the back to me ,does not accept anymore any food from my hand ,and every time I want to get close with something between my finger ,he touch a bit the food and after that he looks furios and trying to bite my fingers WHAT TO DO TO CHANGE HIS ANGER? thank you all
  7. 5 days at home got upset with mami because she catch me and give me kisses with out asking!!!!
  8. i wanted to write on his right leg is a ring with the id numbers
  9. I read as muck I could ,but no where I found how to "translate " the number on his official document ID is H11 0627 10 02 Reg. No HU/ATI/25388-4-1/2010 On his right are also the id numbers ..... and on vertical is 10-maybe it means 2010 Can anybody understand something from the numbers above and can tell me what is the date of birth of MY PIPO? i know the person whom i got Pipo from brought Pipo in begging of summer from Hungary thank you again to all
  10. with food we improved a lot ,now he has to stop trying to bite my hand when i go closer to his cage. today he manage to brake first toy...and fall few times from his stick attached one picture when I get my finger close to his cage with out food in my hand
  11. Our second day together . I will asume is a he and continue with that till I can go to Bucharest and do a DNA test. Already discovered the food pot and he eat like his been starving for days. Accepted the new toys and of course trying to brake it. Still making like an expresso machine if I go closer with some food he do not like . I there a visible difference between male or female ? All I know that the 100% answer is in the DNA test and also a bit from the weight difference . thank you again to all and please do share with me if you have any similar experience with a Grey of 6-7 months who's past I do not know much about it All I know is that he was hungry and I love him already
  12. Not really like this ...it looked more like a nervous "salut" very quick move Now is ok ....I am already introducing him/her other vegetable and fruits and seed and toys. I leave the food on the stick he/she stay and I let him/her chose
  13. thank you all again. Is late here almost 11 pm and he/she start doing with his wings like the soldier when he salut his superior. keeps on doing that every 5-6 seconds with one or both wings...and also like little jumping is this ok????
  14. is not to big ,but hope is good enough for a while
  15. Thank you for your quick reply and for compliments. I will read as much I can forum threads and fallow the advices best regards from Romania
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