Hi every one,
I have Pipo for a week now and yesterday things going perfect .
He almost accepted me ,taking food from my hand ,introducing him new toys....etc
I got to confident and I open the cage on top .
After few minutes he fall on the floor and i pick him up in my arms with a blanket.
Of course ,I kiss him ,scratch his head and talk softly ....he look to like it.
My big stupidity made me look at his under tale ....lo see the 10 feathers who will help me guess what gender Pipo is ....and I lose the blanket a bit.
He escape ,scratch me on my arm and to be sure he will not hurt himself I catch him quickly and put him safe in his cage.
Since then ,he stay only with the back to me ,does not accept anymore any food from my hand ,and every time I want to get close with something between my finger ,he touch a bit the food and after that he looks furios and trying to bite my fingers
thank you all