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About Arjadaga

  • Birthday 06/21/1997


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  1. Thanks to all. Will keep your advice in mind.
  2. I think a male eclectus would suit me, my second choice would then be a TAG. But I have yet another question, would a labrador retriever do well with a parrot? I cant say he (the dog) is calm, but he's very friendly and just 2 1/2 years old. He has never hurt anything, I'm just not too sure how my dog would react if he saw a bird up close (he has seen birds before, but never took much interest). Thanks!
  3. OK, so I am still looking for some breeders in Maryland. here is what I have got. . . http://www.mdparrots.com/ http://mysite.verizon.net/vzerkd0w/lazyacres/ http://www.radarsroost.com/ http://www.featheredcompanionsaviary.com/ Do any of them look good? By good I mean that I would like a small, family breeders that let the babies freeflight, are experienced, and obviously don't gavage feed the babies. Any recommendations?
  4. Through more research I have come upon disturbing news. The Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992 has put an end to the imports of birds including parrots to the U.S. But not much other countries have done this. Many birds, particularly parrots, have sadly been crammed into crates while 90% of birds die only for the remaining 10% living to be sold in markets and pet stores around the world (besides U.S.) As if we don't have enough parrots in breeding facilities! But even through the Wild bird Conservation Act of 1992, there are literally NO laws in place for breeders. Not to say all breeders are bad, but the vast majority of them are very much like puppy mills, called bird mills. This post is to raise awareness. I didn't know exactly where to move this so please feel free to move it where desired. I am posting this in the health room for this concerns the entire ecosystem of parrots. In the Netherlands, the ringneck parrot is considered a pest. In other places Hyacinth macaw are endangered. So sad some people can only think of money when they look at the animals in nature ! As Alex proved, these animals are very intelligent, we do a grave disservice when we take them from the wild. Organizations like the World Parrot Trust are doing their best to help save these parrots. Remember, we to, are a part, not apart of nature.
  5. Arjadaga

    Pets Are Top

    Ok, I think I got it now!
  6. Arjadaga

    Pets Are Top

    OK, I got the code for forums, but where do I enter it on my settings?
  7. Yes, I also thought that birdtricks was not good. Thanks for the info.
  8. There is also another vid, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62rXKjXgr60. At the end it said that we are a part of nature.While we also have the bird act of 1992, there are no laws to govern the breeding facilities. So now we have many bird mill all over the country.
  9. I heard that Alex died at age 31. Is that true? I thought normally greasy live to be 50? So sad for his death. I watched a youtube video (Its an hour long) on alex http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_Fpad20Zbk. I'llnever look at animals in the same way again.
  10. Hello! Now I am preparing my home for my grey! I am so excited! Anything I should especially watch out for in a home? Also, I was wondering is there any recommended training/system that would be good? This is my first bird so I'm researching up like mad. The two systems of training that I am so far looking at is birdtricks and goodbirdinc. Which would you prefer? Any other training? Youtube videos? Common problems in greys? Thanks a bunch in ahead *also, the favorite greys books thread was very helpful.
  11. How nice to see you two getting along more than just "alright." This isn a road to a happy family!
  12. HAHA. I must say that was really funny. Isn't it just amazing how some people think themselves higher than other animals? Some people will just never understand. What a loss for them!
  13. I think I get the point. Thanks all
  14. Oh, Jay, you really do know your fids. I hope that when I have my fid there will be as strong bond as you & your fids.
  15. No, I've never heard it could do any harm (provided you clean up after him). I guess your friend is just paranoid!
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