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About Markab

  • Birthday 03/13/1966

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Fantastic news Pauline! I can only imagine the elation you must have felt when you set eyes on her again. I can't say I've ever gone through the experience of losing a pet but I'm sure I would be devistated. I'm sure she must have been as happy to see you as you were to see her.I suspect you'll both sleep better tonight Mark
  2. Hi Jungledreamz, That looks like a fantastic arrangement you have their for your bird. It must be a real treat for your Grey to be able to take in the outside world but still be protected. Mark
  3. Thanks for the info. Judygram. I'm sure all Greys mature at different rates but do you know typically how long it takes them to become fully coordinated and confident? Thanks. Mark
  4. Thanks for the advice KimKim and Jayd. Today she seemed to navigate around her cage a little bit better. Perhaps she is feeling a little bit more relaxed and confident. Mark
  5. Hi, My wife and I yesterday brought home a 14 week old African Grey Timneh. She has been quite affectionate and is already starting to settle in. My only concern is her lack of coordination and clumsiness when navigating around her cage. I realize that she is still quite young but I'm concerned she may injure herself. My cage dimensions are approx. 3'W x 3'H x 2/12'D. She has slipped 3 or 4 times already from the sides of the cage to the bottom and has knocked over her food/water dishes several times. I'm worried that she is going to injure herself. Should I be concerned or am I being overly protective? Thanks for your help Mark PS: I've read else where that some people shorten the height of their cage with young birds by wire tying the bottom grate half way up the cage to limit the height of any fall. The design of my cage won't accomidate this.
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