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About crysmom

  • Birthday 07/06/1978

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  1. I have children ranging from 4-15 My grey Rita is 2 years old. My kids don't interact with her a lot. She doesn't mind them being around and doesn't seem stressed out by their presence but she doesn't seek out interaction from them either. My 6 year old and 8 year old are scared of her because she has a big beak, my 6 year old will stand by the cage and talk to her and has fed her carrots before. she won't step up for them from the cage, but will step up onto their arms if she is on the floor. She really likes my 15 year old son he feeds her cereal and lets her come up into his room. Sometimes she will lunge at him I think as a warning that she isn't interested in interacting . she never has lunged at my husband or I. I don't think she doesn't like my kids, I think she's indifferent. She will fly down to the floor then walk into my computer room walking right past them if they are sitting on the floor or standing beside me. THis leads me to believe she isn't scared of them or interested in them at all. They are old enough not to do silly things like stick their fingers in the cage, your birds relationship with your child will develop as they both get older, as long as your child takes care to not "harass" the bird (which i'm sure she doesn't) they will both get to a point where they are used to each other and have their own relationship
  2. we have a 42 x 36 inch cage for our timneh its big. Rita spends a significant amount of most days with the cage door open and the ability to leave the cage and climb around the toys on top and the hanging swings above her cage. This of it this way, yes the cages are large, but 6-12 inches of space in our home isn't very much to us as humans, but in a cage 6-12 inches bigger is a lot more room to a bird
  3. i picked a tag because they are less likely to pluck and they are slightly smaller sized birds I don't think tags are any easier than cags to take care of.
  4. i don't know about switching cages, I tried to introduce a "sleeping" cage after Rita had been here 3 months and she wasn't into it the different colors I think spooked her. we are still working on it I put my baby grey into her full size cage right away she wasn't clumsy at all, but she was fully flighted when she came home so maybe that had something to do with her agility. I set the perches lower in the cage so there wasn't far to fall and once I was confident she was a great climber I moved them up and filled the cage with toys.
  5. I 2nd parrotdiseperch.com the hq cages will be free to ship to Ottawa I'm in a rural town in BC and it was only a 20$ surcharge to ship to me. the prices are pretty good if you want to go to the us for cages http://www.csnstores.com/AandE-Cage-Co.-9003223-AEC1005.html do a search on this store for cages, their shipping is very reasonable and I do know people personaly who have had cages (yes multiple) shiped from them and have been happy there are other online canadian stores http://www.wctropicalbird.com http://www.healthybird.net are both stores I have ordered from
  6. beautiful video I too have a cuddly baby she snuggles in just like that under my chin and loves to have head rubs shes 9 months now
  7. UPDATE I'm no longer worried about Rita being quiet she definately is not Rita is developing into a wonderful bird she is so sweet and loves to have her head rubbed. she loves having showers she is fearless and friendly she has learned to tease the cat by sticking her toys out the side of the cage and wiggling them for her so she comes to play (not the safest idea but we lock the cat up when we go out) she is learning to speak and whistle funny things When you say Is Rita a pretty girl? she wolf whistles back She has learned to say pretty girl and to answer What does a rooster say by going Cockadoodle doo (my son doesn't think this was the best thing to teach her, because its a little noisy) she loves to chatter away when you are trying to watch a movie or the news She is a much friendlier bird than my senegal ever was and we are so happy we got her
  8. sorry I have no Idea what I meant by at risk birds ? I don't even remember typing it ? weird. I thought I typed handfeeding
  9. Tonight Rita has perfected landing on the boing as well she is now landing on my shoulder instead of my head most of the time, and if I hear her coming and lift my arm she lands on my forearm. She was a lot more zealous with the pellets tonight and she ate two teaspoons of pomegranate which she ate with reckless abandon Today she tore apart her toy in her cage (made with easy to destroy bamboo finger traps and woven zigzag stuff) she is so quiet though do greys not do a wild sounding contact call? Rita only chirps
  10. Thanks Judy I should have been more clear she is eating well she likes the zupreem avian entrees pellets as well as the harrisons but always leaves the tops behind so she is taking a pellet Fresh veggies yes I offer three kinds a day so far she has had brocoli, cucumber, mandarin orange (a favorite) carrots cooked potatoe cooked sweet potatoe cauliflower and romaine lettuce and banana and of course the cooked mix from today which was a first for her and two pieces of pasta last night, she liked that
  11. well now i've been christened by a grey Rita pooped in my hair yesterday (yuck) Is it normal for weaned babies to regress? The breeder advised me she might and to offer formula in the evenings and she does take a spoonful or two or three today I offered it in the morning as wel and she only took a bit she is eating well today she tried a cooked mash with rice/beans/ and dehydrated veggies and seemed to enjoy it she does not like the tops pellets
  12. I think weighing daily at the same time and then averaging it out over the week would be a good indicator of growth but i'm not experienced with at risk birds, just people so its just my thoughts
  13. we just had a little feast Rita really enjoyed herself on the kitchen counter tearing apart apple slices and picking seeds out of cherry tomatoes she's very adventurous trying to discover the ktichen sink I cracked a couple nuts for her but left the shell on so now she is sitting on her perch (which she rarely stays on) picking the shells off the nuts and eating them
  14. Rita has finally come home I've posted a thread with pictures in the nursery section Thanks everyone for waiting with me
  15. After a long wait to wean and a delayed flight due to snowstorm our beautiful timneh has arrived here are some pictures, she is very friendly and definately able to fly (as she very capably demonstrates by landing on my head repeatedly) as soon as I opened the crate she stepped right out she already knows how to "step up" and is eating well prefers the harrisons pellets over the tops and loves pumpkin seeds can't wait to get to know her over the next while
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