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About NikB

  • Birthday 05/24/1982


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  1. Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it He certainly makes me laugh
  2. Here is Billy screaming my name which seems to be his favourite thing to do at the moment
  3. So sorry to hear that Jay-d - some people just have no respect and treat animals as objects! It's disgusting!! As the others have said I hope he has gone to a good home xx
  4. Well done!! Glad she will get looked after properly xx
  5. Thanks guys - they are the best. Billy and Echo are best buddies! Cosmo is being accepted quite well so far but they are all still sorting out the pecking order. All my free time goes on the boys And yes they are all very different in their personalities
  6. OMG so sorry!! That's so so sad!!
  7. Here's a few pics of all of the boys up to their tricks. Billy (the big lad) Echo (trying to get Hughie through the kitchen door) And the new guy - Cosmo Echo and Cosmo Cosmo and Billy Echo, Billy and Cosmo
  8. That's great!! A bit of reassurance is never a bad thing
  9. NikB


    I had the coloured Zupreem to start with way back when we just had Billy to convert him but he was actually scared of them ha ha My three have a combination of Harrisons, Zupreem Natural, TOPS and Hagen and eat all of them. I too feel better knowing there's no colours in their food
  10. Poor Gizmo - I hope he is ok xxx Could he have maybe hurt the inside of his mouth or his tongue on the measuring tape as the edges can be quite sharp? Maybe it hurt him when it retracted? That might cause him to eat funny and not want to put any toys in his mouth. I personally think you should take him to your vet - even if he is fine at least you know for sure. They can have quiet days yes, but if it's something more then at least you will know and he can be treated if necessary. Hope Gizmo is back to his normal self soon xxx
  11. He's gorgeous!! I've never had a grey from a baby - all been rehomes but I love seeing photos of baby greys!! xx
  12. When we got Echo he was used to sitting on shoulders but we were not used to this. We allowed it to begin with but then the ear nipping started - trying to be the dominant one. So we always made sure that if he flew to us we made our hands the highest point for him to land and immediately praised and treated with a seed or bit of nut. If he went to climb up to the shoulder we would say "no" in a firm but calm voice, either block him and get him to step up (followed by praise and treat) or if that didn't work put him back to his cage or stand and walked away. With consistency he soon got the message and now he never goes to our shoulders. Greys love the attention so he didn't like being ignored. He did love all the praise and of course a little treat!
  13. Yeah me and Hughie made it. I then just added to it It was very easy
  14. NikB

    New Addition

    Thank you all very much!! He is a lovely bird and is already shouting on Billy and Echo! He also sings Jingle Bells so looks like a year-round Christmas for us! lol He was a man's bird so loves Hughie. He snuggles up to him and makes sure he gets lots of head scratches! He will also fly to me and sit on my shoulder but only if Hughie's not about He's taken immediately to his new diet of fresh veggies, fruit, pellets and birdie mash/chop which is great and makes me feel at ease to know he's getting a better diet!
  15. I need a better photo but this gives you an idea of the play stand we have for our guys
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