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About Waloos

  • Birthday 09/13/1954

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. You have no right talking about mowgli hs foot wa corrected get your facts right before you bad mouth some one. and your all only pissed of because i wont give your lot my birds well they are happy well looked after so stop picking on people who fall on hard times and try and get birds i was offered no help or advice as to what to do just rehome rehome we will have your husbands birds well you wont and as for lady she was never my bird ever.

  2. Ok, I'm out of here, don't say you weren't warned.
  3. I know her from another site that she frequents here in the UK and I wouldn't say anything that I can't prove or substantiate. I am not on a witch hunt, I just don't want other people to be taken in by her as she has decieved two people that I know of, with her tales of woe.
  4. This woman at one time had four African Greys, one of which needed an operation on his leg (Mowgli) but she didn't get it sorted, so his leg is at an angle that isn't normal. She also had a Cockatoo, which was a plucker, she rehomed it telling the new owner that it had been vet checked for various illnesses and it was all a load of lies, the vet had never seen the cockatoo at all. Luckily the new owner didn't take her word for it and checked because she has a lot of birds, so Mowgli's Mum in telling lies about the vet care actually put a lot of birds at risk. This is a woman that wanted to "swap" one of her Greys for an Amazon, now she is raising a baby without a brooder and without any real knowledge of what she is doing. Please don't praise her for being caring and willing to learn, she's in it for the glory of getting praise, not for the wellbeing of the birds.
  5. It is illegal to sell an unweaned baby and what about the other birds that you have, you should be sorting out them first before taking on any more.
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