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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. You may be trying to hard and to fast. A little over two years ago we rehomed a 12 or 13 year old aggressive blue feonted amazon that had a clolorfull past at best. We started by leaving her in her cage and every time we went by her cage we would give her a treat theough the bars and sit next to the cage and talk to her. After a short time when we came by her cage she would come over to us for a treat or just to sit buy us and then she would put her head down for a head rub. We than would leave her door open to come out and have treats in her cage so she would go back. By having treats for her she new that when she saw us something good would happen. All this took time and it was on her terms. Don`t give up she will come around and it WILL be on her terms.
  2. Corky was out of her cage once and took a bath in the dogs water dish.
  3. You are not selfish. You don`t want more you just give more.
  4. Corky was 25 months old befor she said her first word and now she won`t stop
  5. You have made your home a home for 3 typs of parrots a TAG. ZON. and a ECLECTUS and you made it work for each. You have been around birds long enough to know how to make it work and bringing in a CAG, well you will do ok. Don`t over think what might go wrong. Miss Ana Grey just might turn out to be BIG SISTER to Isabella and than you will have 4 snots to deal with. (And I mean that in a very loving way)
  6. Ray P

    Did you know?

    Did you know that Bank of America startd as Bank of Italy.
  7. A jam nut is a nut that you screw on the bolt or bolt hook first than a flat washer or fender washer. When you tighten the toggle bolt to the height you want then you tighten the jam nut to lock it in place. I will draw a picture and post it Monday
  8. Ray P

    Did you know?

    Did you know that nobody knows who invented spectacles (eyeglases)
  9. The queen would never lick her own stamps
  10. If you use a jam nut you could stop him from unscrewing the toggles
  11. The queen would never eat at the Home Town Buffet
  12. Ray P

    Did you know?

    Did you know the human head contains 22 bones
  13. Ray P


    Thank you luvparrots for thinking I have some kind of expertise but I do not and I realy have not trained her. My connection with Cricket IMO came with building a relationship over taming or training. If you like I can start anouther thread on this
  14. Cricket has been with us a little over two years now and she always comes up with something new. In her old home she did not have any toys except for an old tub that she would play with. We filled her cage with toys but she nevered played with them just the old tub but we always left the toys there About a month ago she started to play with one of the toys and than anouther and anouther to the point that she plays with every thing now. It`s so nice to see her come around and play with things and do things she did not do before. She is about 15 years old and it`s nice to see that they can change as much as she has. The change from nasty to nice is great to experience and to see you can make a differance Has anybody seen this change in their zon ?
  15. Awh spring is on the way. We feed the birds all winter because of all the snow. Some of our feeders hold 50 lbs of feed because we can`t always get to them. I enjoy your pictures and I should take some of my back yard because it`s so nice to see them come back north. The sign of spring awh.
  16. There are many differant typs of toggle bolts that you can use if you can`t find a beam or joist They have them at hyd. stors Lowes or Home Depot.
  17. Don`t try to do too much all at one time. Give him differnt things over a period of time to see what he likes. He may not try it the first time just keep it up. As far as water they will drink what they want. We keep a bird bath in each of our birds cage(see picture) and they have not drowned yet in fact they love it
  18. #1 I would tell the boss that it is the new style and if he had looked he would noticed the new customer had the same shoes on Your in a airplane with two other people and the plane strats to go down and know that there only two parachutes Would you 1 share a parachute with one person ? 2 Let the other two have the parachutes ? 3 Tell one person there was a spair in the back of the plane and leave ? 4 Just jump and not tell then that the plane was going down
  19. Ray P

    Did you know?

    Did you know that the first credit card was issued in 1951
  20. I love #4 with the eyes closed. this is my girl corky doing her i`m to good to be true
  21. My little lady Cricket eats like a salor that has been stranded on an island for 2 years
  22. Just to add to this post my CAG Croky never said her first word until she was a little over 2 years old(25 months) and now you can`t get her to stop so enjoy the quiet times. WHEN THEY ARE READY THEY ARE READY. She is 10 years old now.
  23. The condition does not get any better. CAG 10 years BFA 2 years Cockatiels 39 years Along with love birds, finch, doves over the years Out side we have Peacocks, chickens, ducks if it has a feather we have had it
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