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Ray P

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Ray P last won the day on November 20 2024

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About Ray P

  • Birthday 12/29/1940


  • Biography
    Congo African Grey 18 + years, Blue Fronted amazon 8 + years and Cockatiels for 47 + years


  • Location
    Chardon, Ohio, USA


  • Interests
    Birds, camping and flying


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  1. As I read this post I can see Corky in every comment. As of right know I can hear her in the other room going through her repertoire of songs words and whistles. It`s hard to believe that that she has been with me for 21 years.
  2. Corkys 21st birthday was yesterday Dec 5 2021 . She has been soo much apart off our life and also part off the friends life . As you know I lost my wife off 47 years 2 and a half years ago and it has been Corky who as kept both of my feet planted on the ground . She is in the living room singing up a storm and still brings me great joy to my life. Happy 21st. my sweet little girl !!!
  3. Amen ! After the loss of my wife it strikes home
  4. Ray P

    Jayd's Passing

    So sorry I missed this post as I have been on and off the forum for some time now because of other issues and not always checking other rooms as I should have. Jayd made his mark wit me and I owe him a lot when it comes my part of this forum. I will always miss him as I miss all the others members that have crossed over. I know Jayd always had the best interest at heart of our flocks. We all had something to give and some gave more than others. Jayd is one of the ones that gave more. You have my heart felt condolences RIP in peace my friend
  5. Oh the things that seam to effect our Greys and the time it takes for them to get over it is something us grey owners or excuse me ( care takers ) have had to learn to live with. Boy the lessons they teach us. Love the pic.
  6. Ray P

    Bird lights

    The uvb system I use is a screw in PL type blub with a built in ballast and should be replaced at least once a year as the uv will diminish as the bulb ages
  7. Ray P

    Bird lights

    Check the first sticky post in this health room and you will see a post by Dave 007. You will see member posts about recommended times to leave the lights on posted by other members. And yes use bulbs made for birds as Dave explains in his post. We all miss Dave very much.
  8. So sorry for your loss I use a Eden Pure infrared heater. No Teflon just heat bulbs in copper tubs. Very safe. Check picture to left. My bird on their t stand on heater
  9. Ray P

    Bird lights

    I use a U V light for Corky, but its only lit for about 3 to 4 hours a day because her cage is in front of a large picture window. It is not recommended to keep it lit all day. Just a few hours a day.
  10. My girl turned 20 years old today. She is am awesome young lady and the apple of my eye and life. Did I mention she is also spoiled Happy hatch day my sweet !!
  11. Corky was 9 weeks old when we got her and she came home at 16 weeks. She never said her first word until she was 25 months old and it was her name Corky.
  12. Some red factor Greys start out with the red feathers mixed in with the grey feathers but are gone after the first molt and some keep some or all the red factor feathers that are mixed in with the grey feathers. So enjoy your Grey because its spicial !!
  13. Happy hatch day Maalik. WE LOVE OUR GREYS FOR WHO THEY ARE.!!!
  14. Hello back and welcome to the best Grey forum on the internet
  15. I want to start this thread off on the right foot. #1 I am not an advocate for shouldering a parrot. #2 I am not an advocate against shouldering a parrot. When a relationship is strong and the time is right it is a beautiful thing; But you can`t rush into this. Weather you shoulder your parrot or do not shoulder your parrot is your decision. It`s not right for everyone. My left shoulder was her shoulder of choice. If I let her I think she would have spent her whole life there. She would climb up there and preen her feathers and enjoy the world around her, The one thing she would always do is get close to my head and lean against it and coo into my ear. God I miss that !!! .
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