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About Laurencann

  • Birthday 03/19/1971


  • Location
    Dexter, MI

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. thanks guys, I will let you know how monday goes
  2. We got Greystone (then thought to be a male) last July. We were told he had had a seizure in the past but it had been years since he had one. We have had Greycie (now known to be a female) for about 10 months now with no signs of all seizures. She is 17 years old. Today we were all excited to bring Greycie for a car ride for the first time in her new King Travel cage. She has done well for the past 3 times for shorter trips in a pet carrier. 2 minutes in the car and she appeared to have a partial seizure. She return to normal within a few minutes so we continued on our trip. About 2 hours later, she had another one. Both lasted only about 30 seconds, and she recovered within about 5 minutes. She eats Zupreem Natural Avian Maintenance pellets. I have heard that greys are known to be prone to seizures. I am a nurse so I didn't freak out, just supported her and comforted her. She now seems completely normal. She is in a little molt period. Could the stress of the trip, even though she seemed to have enjoyed past trips, been enough to cause this? Of course it is Saturday evening with no vets available until Monday. The clinic is open tomorrow, but no vet is in, so I will call them and schedule an appointment for Monday. Do you think it is OK to just keep an eye on her and wait until monday? I would like to have some bloodwork done to just check on calcium levels and for metal toxicities. I don't want to jump to take her to emergency when she now seems fine, it cost so much just to walk in emergency clinics. But I don't want to ignore an obvious problem either. any input is greatly appreciated - thanks
  3. Ok I ordered my cage and it should arrive tomorrow. I stuck with the medium to make it's use for day trips easier, plus it could also work for my conure and cockatiel if necessary. If we use it for a week long trip I will just have my grey out most of the time. I will let everyone know how I like it when it gets here.
  4. thanks so much for the helpful input everyone
  5. Thanks so much for everyone one great information. I am not sure why, but I can over spend big time on my birds in a heartbeat and not feel guilty; but I can't go to the grocery store without my $0.50 coupon. We want to use the cage on camping trips and as a deck cage. Do you think the medium is big enough for a grey over a weekend?
  6. I know they are very pricey, but I am planning on using it quite a bit and need something extra durable. Plus I like the food bowl doors.
  7. do you think the medium is big enough for a weekend trip or do we need the large? http://www.kingscages.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=ATS1719 (listed here as a small) http://www.kingscages.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=ATM2029
  8. Thanks so much guys, I just wanted to be sure I was update with grey info. I have other birds but Greystone is my first grey.
  9. thanks for all of the input, there have been no signs of any upper respiratory infection. I well either start doing the nails myself or just having the vet do it. I was just trying to keep myself separated from the stressful experience. Her nails dont really get long just sharp, despite the variety of perch materials we offer.
  10. I have seen that African Greys can produce bloody tears, with an unknown cause. This lady said it was from a chronic sinus infection.
  11. Yesterday we brought our CAG, Greystone, in to have its nails trimmed. She is a 17 year old we rehomed in July. We had a vet exam and basic bloodwork done then and all seems well. The person at the pet store who trimmed her nails told us she was avian vet trained. She told us Greystones eyes were puffy and they got runny as she restrained her. She told us not to be surprised if her eyes started bleeding. She said that the puffiness was an indication of a sinus infection and if the infection was a bad one they could start bleeding. I have never heard of this. Greystone appears healthy to me, is eating and behaving normal. But I do know birds can not appear sick until very sick. We have had her 4 months now, but she had a clear vet visit in July. The petstore owner said maybe the vet didn't know what to look for. That older greys can get these chronic sinus infections. The avain vet I went to is well trusted here, and actually at the same clinic the lady claims to have been trained by. What are people thoughts here? Was this lady full of Sh** or do we need to have Greystone rechecked? My husband thought they were restraining Greystone too low in the neck while she was toweled, more around the neck than by the bottom of the head. I didn't watch, I didn't want to be related to the experience since I am still forming my bond with Greystone. That is why I brought her to someone else to be trimmed instead of doing it myself.
  12. I just wanted to give a quick introduction before work today. My name is Lauren and I am expecting to get my first African Grey (CAG) on Sunday. Greystone is a 17 year old rehome. My family already includes a 5yo cockatiel, 1 yo pineapple GCC, 2 children (9 & 11), and of course my husband. I am super excited about meeting Greystone but nervous about making his transition as smooth as possible.
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