Well, Sully's last two flight feathers came in, and boy... is he LOVING being fully-flighted. He can go everywhere I go.... wooo : /
Lol, I love him, but it makes it difficult to take care of my household chores and cook while being able to leave him out of his cage (usually on a t-stand o the door of his cage). He comes flying into other rooms when I am doing laundry or other things away from the main living room (he's never alone, usually my husband is "watching him" (or as I call it, Birdie/Dad bonding time) when I'm doing chores)
Anyway.. When I am busy and he's flown to me, I say; "I'm busy" and put him back where he was. It's not working. As soon as I get back where I was and re-started, in he comes. I know the simple solution is just to keep him in his cage until I'm done, but with three cats, other birds, a sick father that lives upstairs, he would always be in there...and he deserves lots of time out Any pointers to teach him to stay on his tstand or cage when I need him to? I don't want him to be a shoulder bird, and he won't stay on his t-stand, even if I keep one in every room.