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About Crystine

  • Birthday 08/31/1991

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Wow that thread Jayd posted sounds so familiar! But waaaaay better explained, haha. Thank you for posting it. Monkey talked some and she flew around more today...not much progress, but progress all the same. Thank you for replying, you all are a great support system.
  2. ...A grey never forgets. So my bird will never forgive me. I remember posting that to clip her wings a little bit was a "last resort". I tried everything to train her and to build our relationship, but she was NOT having any of it...I would never make a decision like that in haste or in anger, not about the baby I raised, and I would never take flight away from her altogether.
  3. I have had my Grey Monkey for two years. I love her so much, but as she grew older she began to abuse her power of flight. When I first brought her home, I resolved to keep her flighted because I felt she would be happiest. And she has developed incredible skills, and has some independence. But, she was very hard to train because she was fully flighted; she could fly away whenever she wanted to. She could land on my mother just to poop on her, then fly away. She seemed to feel that she did not have to behave. I could not build my relationship with my bird because she could fly. I tried to do the right thing and let her have her freedom, but it seemed more and more like she was on a huge power trip....as a last resort (and I mean LAST RESORT), I decided to clip her wings for the first time about two weeks ago (I have owned birds before and have been taught to clip wings at home. No worries, Monkey did fine and I was quick and painless with her ). Now, don't get me wrong, she is not by any means grounded. The clip is quite long and she can still fly, and she may still go from room to room as she pleases. With the clip, it is simply a bit more difficult. I have been especially kind to my sweet bird to help her get used to the clip. Now as a result of clipping, Monkey seems much more quiet and docile. She does not talk or sing as much, and she has not bitten anyone since her clipping. I did want her to see that she is my equal and friend, not my superior, but the suddenness of her change is disturbing. She sleeps more in the daytime and goes for hours without making a sound. She eats less. She obeys more often, but it seems like she submits only because she hasn't the will to argue. It is strange to me that she would be so listless even though she can still fly...I am not in the least frustrated with her, only concerned. She is a little more perky now than she was last week, so she may be coming to terms......do you guys think this is a common reaction? I am worried.
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