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Everything posted by Featherhead

  1. Yeah, youtube is a pain sometimes. Wish I could of posted the video straight here.
  2. He's being camera shy but we got him saying a few things in the shower and bach's like a chicken.
  3. Tattletale goes to sleep around 10pm and wakes up at about 7:45 am ready for breakfast. There's no sneaking back to watch tv because he will talk non stop while covered up.lol
  4. Well, after his last adventure, the next day he went and got his wings clipped. That being done he can only go about 8 feet now. Just enough to come in for a safe landing. Thinking about not clipping his wings again and when he goes out he will be tethered. Like I said earlier he tore his flight suit within a week, so I will have to test that out first.
  5. Thankfully that's not his normal routine. He loves to sit outside on his perch and listen to all the sounds. It's really funny the way he looks when he sees an insect fly by. He'll give it the one eye look. lol. When I take his cage outside and spray it down he likes to come out and sit on his perch and let the mist of the water spray him. I guess you could say he's a water bird. His daily routine is going to the shower with my wife and if he isn't showering he's sitting on the shower rod singing or talking up a storm. This is his favorite place to become very vocal. lol. As for the singing, I don't know if he has picked up a song from tv or the radio, but he sounds like a old man singing a country song. lol But I don't think we have to worry about him flying away for now, lately he's been down to the floor running and hopping as fast as he can. Truly a sight to see.
  6. That is a boat wheel at the Travel Agency my wife works at. He has been known to fly from upstairs to downstairs out the front door about a block down the street and into the woods. You talk about having a heart attack. I could here him beeping (he likes to beep) and I was looking up in the trees for him and I could not see him at all. I finally spotted him on the ground with scratches on his little face from the limbs. He's only flown out the front door once prior to this and this last flight was the longest I ever seen him fly. He's good at staying perched but you never know when his going to get that wild hair. lol
  7. Tattletale goes to work every Friday and talks non stop to everyone. He comes to the command "step up." He can say many phrases as well as mock many sounds. Some of his favorites are, "Hello Buddy" ( when walking through the front door), "Good Sugar" (and makes the kiss sound when you place your mouth to his beak for a kiss), "I'm a good chicken" (and he actually "bach-bach-bach" like a chicken), "Yummy Good" (at meal times and he always eats when we do and eats pretty much what we have and still has his pellets when he desires them).

  8. We have a Congo African Grey, his name is Tattletale. He is 4 years old, DNA tested as male, and has a hatch certificate. He prefers women over men, but he will mock everything a male will say. He goes to work every Friday and talks non stop to everyone. He comes to the command "step up." He can say many phrases as well as mock many sounds. Some of his favorites are, "Hello Buddy" ( when walking through the front door), "Good Sugar" (and makes the kiss sound when you place your mouth to his beak for a kiss), "I'm a good chicken" (and he actually "bach-bach-bach" like a chicken), "Yummy Good" (at meal times and he always eats when we do and eats pretty much what we have and still has his pellets when he desires them). We came across this forum and hope to learn some new tricks as well as share some and connect with other Grey owners.
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