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Everything posted by kimzamora210

  1. What is Babalu standing on?did you make that or buy it?I really like it!
  2. I finally put Deslyn in her cage when she was able to climb out of her tote,she was about 11 1/2 weeks.I was just to worried about her cilmbing up and hurtting herself..
  3. Awesome.that makes me so happy. Thanks!
  4. Lol,didnt see the link nevermind hehe....-blushes-
  5. Well I've noticed that when my TAG is falling asleep she will grind her beak...is this normal? :confused:
  6. No actually every thing is good well.You already helped me with my one concern.The food in her nose...she did blow it out but I still took her to the vet to make sure she was okay.I would be heart broken if anything were to happen to her.
  7. I should have keep my ground and told her no! I didn't want to hand feed her...I keep reading the risk it scared me.I mean so far I am doing good.Hopefully it stays that way.
  8. Nope it's not,but I should have waited...My breeder keept telling me if you dont take her now and I weaned her she is going to forget you.
  9. Well,unfortunately it depends on where you live.Here in the US it's not illegl to sell an unweaned baby,but it should be.
  10. I read the risk of hand feeding,you talk mostly about the crop,but what do you do it some of the food gets into the nare?
  11. Well Deslyn Is almost 11 weeks,she has most of her fethers but her belly side and by her tail is still the fuzzy down is it too early?
  12. At what age should you try and bathe you grey?
  13. Thanks to all of you...you have been so great to me! I will try to get some wonderfull pictures tomorrow when there is more sunlight.
  14. My baby is finally here! It's also offical its a girl! Woot! I'm so happy and excited! Her name is Deslyn.She is doing great she is now 10 1/2 weeks.:D:D:D lol aorry i'm just supper excited words can't explian!
  15. My baby comes home Thursday ! I am so excitted I can't wait! Yay! =D
  16. Aww,thanks .Well as far as the nest...I bought a big cage,and a huge tree stand.I will get him at about 10 weeks,not sure how to set up the cage,I hear there are still " not sure of themselfs." Should I put a blanket at the bottom,so he doesnt get hurt?
  17. Cute,mine is 6 weeks,thats what he looks like.I cant wait to see him later on today!Yay! Lol.
  18. I am still new the the forum thing,but Ive been a member here for a bit.I never really introduced myself,and thought it might be time!Lol,so my name is Kim..and I am a new mom of an Timneh Grey.:DAfter spending months of being on petstore waitting list I finally found one,and could be happier!I would love to introduce my new baby aswell but I wont have him home for a few more weeks,but I will post some baby pics when I learn how. As for a name not sure yet,we are going to wait until we know the sex.
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