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About quilter43

  • Birthday 03/05/1958

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Well, I still can't pick him up after almost a month but, we are getting closer. I am able to hold and pet his beak and one time, I was able to pet the back of his head. My friend came over last night and picked him up. I am able to pick Winter up if someone else is holding him so, I picked him up and held him and talked sweetly to him. It will be just a matter of time before we are both comfortable for me to pick him up from his cage. Thanks, all!
  2. I am still afraid to pick my 14 year old CAG up so, to get him back into his cage, I have grapes and cherries ready (pit removed). I say - you want a cherry? He runs into his cage so fast. One day last week, my sister was over and I tried to give him a cherry and he wouldn't take it - because she was there. Well, after she left, I asked him if he wanted his cherry - it was sitting on the top of his cage. Well, he ran to his cage door so fast and tripped over the cherries that were on the top of his cage. It was quite comical!
  3. I had green singers - they sing so nicely!
  4. That darn letter has been circulating for quite a while now. I see it on Craig's List all the time. The people who post it think it is the first time anyone has seen it!
  5. Hello. I'm a newbie, but just been reading about your winter and wondered how it's going? Tweeds

  6. How do I post a photo on my profile?
  7. I have 3 dogs, 1 cat, 2 finches and one African Grey. I am a single woman with no kids and my family thinks I'm crazy (they don't even know about the Grey, yet). But, they make me happy so there. Of course - I just saw a report on our local news about Animal Hoarders and I yelled "That's not me! That's not me!" I don't think so but, if I get one more animal - I might be a hoarder for sure!
  8. This is all great information. Thanks so much and keep it coming!
  9. I am going to try what Danmcq advised. I am not going to give up on this bird and I am not going to give up on me! Perhaps there might be people on here who may believe that someone like me, who is not sure of herself and who does not have parrot experience should take on a 14 year old grey. I am sure I am not the first to try it - nor will I be the last. I've always had dogs and cats that I've rescued and they all carry baggage with them from their previous owners. Birds, I am finding out are different altogether. I am determined to make this work and make Winter a very happy bird. Thanks to everyone for their help during this transition in my life.
  10. Yes, I get that he knows I am going to flinch if he is on the cage. I am going to wait until the trainer comes over tomorrow. I hope that 2 weeks of trying has not ruined my chances. I am so darn lucky to have this bird who really does not have any baggage and was trained so well. I will keep you posted as to how we do over the weekend.
  11. It's me, Sherry, again - I need more advice about my 14 year old Grey named Winter. I'll have him 2 weeks on Sunday. He is a great, great bird. Will go with anyone and I mean anyone - but me . It is my fault because everytime I try to get him to step up - either from his perch inside of his cage or on the outside of his cage, he puts his head down and I flinch. If he is on the floor, or if someone else is holding him, I can get him to step up just fine. My friend and her husband can get him to step up no matter where he is. They can also put their hand in his mouth and play with him. I don't understand why he puts his head down with me and no one else. I have a bird trainer coming over tomorrow for a consultation so, I hope he can help me - but, my friend's husband came over last night and said - if he couldn't help me, how can the trainer. He tried so hard to get me to pick up Winter while he was on his cage but, Winter kept putting his head down and I can't get near his feet - so I kept flinching. I love this bird and I don't know what to do. If I was not afraid of getting bitten, I wouldn't need a trainer to come over.
  12. How many hours should a grey get to sleep a night? Does their age matter? Winter is 14 years old and I've had him 1 1/2 weeks. I try to cover his cage around 9pm because I get up at 6:30 am. Thanks!
  13. May I ask what FID is? I laughed out loud at your post. Thanks!
  14. Hey all! I joined because I had just gotten my CAG and needed some help. If it weren't for you all, I might have gotten rid of him right away because I had no idea how hard it is to gain the confidence of a parrot. Guess I should have done more research, eh? :rolleyes: Anyway - I'm glad I found you guys - I am making new friends and finding so much info on helping my CAG adapt and for me to calm the H**l down! Lol
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