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About Hayley23

  • Birthday 08/08/1986


  • Biography
    My name is C.J. and I'm a 23 years old.


  • Location
    Gilbert, Arizona


  • Interests
    NBA, NFL, Live Music, BMW, Birds


  • Occupation
    Correctional Officer (SWAT)

Hayley23's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sorry about the super late reply, but it's been about a year and everything is going good. Hayley now has beautiful looking feathers and is in good health. The Aloe Vera Juice did wonders. I would just lightly mist her a few times a day and within a couple of months things started to get better.
  2. Do you remember where you got your traveling cage? Also did your CAG have to go through any quarantine period? Thanks again!
  3. The place that I will be living is actually a building and I would be on the 14th floor (I believe). I should have clarified that by "Outside" I mean the Lanai that I will have. It has a roof and I will most likely get some sort of a screen that can be opened and closed. 14 floors up I don't think I would have to worry about animals frightening Hayley (unless it's another bird). I will most likely get the smaller cage so she can be indoors, I just don't know how much smaller i will have to go .
  4. Thanks everyone for the reply. I looked at the link that Judy provided and it seems that there would be a 7 day quarantine period. What I'm concerned about is that they did say some species are prohibited, but I wasn't able to find a specific list. Julia- Would you recommend a specific traveling cage? The one I found at my local store would be to big to store under the seat during takeoff. Are you required to buy another ticket for your bird, and if not then was it ok for the traveling cage to be on your lap at all times? I think I'm leaning towards not having the cage outside at all, but that would require me to downsize her huge cage that I have now. How do you think Hayley would handle that? Btw my name is C.J., and I'm male, my birds name is Hayley . Thanks again for everything you have all helped a lot.
  5. Hello all, i rarely post but I read the forum all the time for great advice. I have a 2 year old CAG and I had some questions about my inevitable move in 6-8 months. I currently live in Arizona and am planning to move to Oahu Hawai'i some time in the fall. I have heard that moves can be quite stressful for CAGs especially a move with such a great distance. My questions are 1) Has anyone ever had to move where you would require to have your bird go on a plane and go through a quarantine? How long is the quarantine for? 2) The place that I'm getting is a lot smaller than the place I have now. Hayleys cage is in my room currently and that's where I spend the most of my time. She has a fairly large size cage. The cage right now would not be able to fit in my room in Hawai'i. Would it be cruel to downsize the cage for sleeping purposes and have the large cage outdoors? Could Hayley spend a lot of time outdoors in her cage if need be (in the shade, 8 hours for when I'm at work)? This could be a great opportunity for me and it's my dream to live in Hawai'i, but like everyone here my bird is my baby and I want her to be happy as well. I hope you all can help, also feel free to add any additional information that you think is important. Thank you!
  6. Thank you for the information. I am on my way to get the aloe Vera juice right now. Hopefully your helpful tips work out for the best, as I am pretty concerned.
  7. Hello I have a 1 year old CAG and recently her feathers on her wings look really messy. A lot of the feathers are only "half". Her back feathers look fine and healthy it's just the feathers on both wings. Also I think she is chewing her flight feathers underneath her wings. I know this is not a good thing, but what can I do to prevent her from doing this? I work primarily all day and do not return until late at night. I spend as much time with her as I can which is usually 2-3 hours. On my days off it is more. Could she just be an aggressive preener? Bored? Should I take her to the vet? Also I should mention her diet isn't very good, she only eats seeds. I have tried to give her about every fruit, and vegetable there is but she just plays with it and makes a mess. Anyway I would appreciate any advice given, thank you.
  8. Thank you very much for the advice Dave! Love this forum!
  9. My question is pretty similar to this thread, so i didn't want to make a new post. Anyway I have a 8 month old CAG and I noticed she has had a couple broken tailfeathers. She likes to jump off things and I'm pretty sure that is how she is breaking her tailfeathers. Anyway the first couple just seemed to come out after awhile, but after she broke another feather I noticed it looked more like she chewed it out. If she is chewing them off, is there something I need to do with the remaining feather left in her? Will the remaining feather fall out by itself or do I need to take her to the vet? Also could this mean that she isn't getting enough play time and she is bored, or is this something normal? Any advice would be much appreciated thank you. Oh and sorry for the post if its hard to read, as I am posting this on my phone.
  10. Hello my 4 month old Grey has just had the same problem. I noticed she had a couple bent tail feathers probably due to a fall off the cage. Well I went to work today and when I came back I noticed that both feathers were at the bottom of the cage. From the other comments I have read this seems normal. If she is plucking how do the feathers normally look? The ones I found on the bottom of the cage were still pretty smooth and didn't seem to have chew marks on them, I hope that is a good thing. Also I try to spend as much time as I can with my grey but sometimes my work schedule gets hectic. I usually spend an hour with Hayley before work and 2-3 hours after work. On my days off I'm around for at least 6 hours a day. Is this good or should I try to find more time?
  11. Again thanks for the welcomes. This forum is wonderful and I have already found out a lot of information! I'm sure as more questions come to mind you all will be the first to know. I'm going to visit on Tuesday so I will most likely taking a lot of pictures . @luvparrots- sorry I wasn't clear in my op. My name is C.J. And my baby is named Hayley. About 3 weeks ago I had a dream that I owned a CAG and her name was Hayley. The crazy thing was that Hayley only spoke Spanish words in my dream and I do not know much Spanish.
  12. Thanks for the welcome! By the way I am able to visit as it is not very far at all. I will probably be able to go 2-4 times a week depending on work. It is very exciting indeed, anxiously waiting for the month to roll around!
  13. Hello all, obviously I am new here but I was browsing on the internet and cam across this forum and have been reading for a few days now. Just today I put money down on my new baby CAG. "Hayley" will not be ready to take home for a month or so but I figured I would come here and start early. I am extremely excited and can not wait for Hayley to come home. Anyway a little about myself. I am 23 years old (male) and I live in Gilbert,Arizona. I have owned three birds in the past (when I was growing up) and I have loved them ever since. My very first bird was a Peach faced Lovebird, "Paco", after Paco passed away my sister wanted to get another bird so we got an Umbrella Cockatoo named Sydney. Sydney was a great bird but was only around for a short time because my sister moved out a year later. My last bird that I had was a Sun Conure. "Madison" was easily one of my best friends for 9 years. I loved her so much! She passed away in a accident that I still get upset about when I talk about it (that was 6 years ago). Every morning I would get out of bed and let her out of her cage. Well one day I took her back to my bed room and we were playing and I lied down and fell asleep with her on my bed and when I woke up....... Like i said I still get pretty sad thinking about it as she was apart of the family and I feel responsible. Anyway I am excited to own a bird again (eventhough i'm a bit rusty ), and I will have lots of time to give love to my new baby CAG. I am looking forward to talking to everyone and hope you can give me some advice and tips!
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