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Everything posted by ringosmom

  1. I'm new at this site and so far my posts haven't been posted. I'll try again. Please don't ever give awat Tracy!She has been through enough in her little life already. These little guys or gals can't take very much stress, especially like being given away, being moved from home to home. My Grey, Ringo is 11 and will be with me forever and I hope that Tracy will be with you forever too. After Hurricane Wilma, he totally stopped talking for years. He had a vocabulary of about 600 words and now since he started talking again about 1 1/2 years ago he only says about 20 words and rarely at that but he is here to stay. God bless and keep all of you, Diana
  2. Oh PLEASE, keep Tracy and NEVER give her up! She has been through enough in her life already, being given away already which is sooo stressful for these litle guys or gals. I am very glad she found you or you found her and I hope with all of my heart it is a forever home this time. God bless and keep all of you safe, Diana
  3. PLEASE DON'T GIVE AWAY YOUR BIRD! YOU WILL BE SOOOO SAD AFETER IF YOU DO! There has to be some other way you can work this out. Please try to figure this out. You know how hard it is on birds, especially Greys when give them up after having them for long time. They have been known to even DIE after being given away! Can't you try something else? Put a gait around the cage so the child can not get to the cage. It will only be temporary anyway. The child WILL learn not to put his or her fingers near the bird knowing he or she will get bitten soon anyway. The child has probably already learned. Is there a relative you could give the bird to part time until the child older? Then later, you can have your beloved Grey back when the child is older and you have more time with it. PLEASE try to work something out so you do not have to give your bird baby up, please, for the birds sake? God bless, Diana

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