Hi, I'm Christine from Milton keynes UK. I have 2 parrots, Dolly my African Grey, and Willow my Black headed Caique. Dolly was 2 in May 2010, and willow is just 8 months.
Dolly only comes to me, she will bite anyone who dares to go near her. I can handle her with no problem (yet) she is a real fussy eater, dislikes most fruit and veg, likes lettuce, and the odd bit of fruit occasionally, one day she'll chuck it in disgust, next day she may nibble a tiny bit then chuck the rest. She's a great talker, she says some of the 8 times table, she sings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, she whistles the laurel and hardy tune, she chats and chats constantly, One freaky thing...she calls my name as my Mum used to. We had my Mum living with us. Sadly my Mum died last year. Its cute to hear her say it just like my Mum, but very sad at the same time as i miss her terribly. Anyway, i'm rambling.
Thanks for having me