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About chrissgee

  • Birthday 06/06/1962


  • Location
    milton keynes UK


  • Interests
    Parrots, dogs, cats, gardening


  • Occupation
    self employed

chrissgee's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Oh dear, she also likes to drink from the same glass...WHOOPS I'll have to change her habits. I really didn't know that. My african grey eats from my plate, maybe i should stop that too.
  2. Ahhhh I did it (well sort of) Willow for some reason loves to check out whats in your mouth. My son is wearing make up but don't worry we were dressing for fancy dress. Dolly likes to sit on the chair keeping an eye on everyone
  3. I'm trying everything i can to get pictures on here, so bare with me if i send a lot of blank messages
  4. http://i777.photobucket.com/albums/yy57/chrissgee/Image0152.jpg for some reason willow loves to go into your mouth
  5. This is Dolly and willow, i hope i've done it right? http://i777.photobucket.com/albums/y.../Image0050.jpg http://i777.photobucket.com/albums/yy57/chrissgee/Image0050.jpg
  6. http://i777.photobucket.com/albums/yy57/chrissgee/Image0152.jpg
  7. http://i777.photobucket.com/albums/yy57/chrissgee/Image0050.jpg
  8. How do i put pictures on? i'm trying without any luck
  9. Hi, I'm Christine from Milton keynes UK. I have 2 parrots, Dolly my African Grey, and Willow my Black headed Caique. Dolly was 2 in May 2010, and willow is just 8 months. Dolly only comes to me, she will bite anyone who dares to go near her. I can handle her with no problem (yet) she is a real fussy eater, dislikes most fruit and veg, likes lettuce, and the odd bit of fruit occasionally, one day she'll chuck it in disgust, next day she may nibble a tiny bit then chuck the rest. She's a great talker, she says some of the 8 times table, she sings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, she whistles the laurel and hardy tune, she chats and chats constantly, One freaky thing...she calls my name as my Mum used to. We had my Mum living with us. Sadly my Mum died last year. Its cute to hear her say it just like my Mum, but very sad at the same time as i miss her terribly. Anyway, i'm rambling. Thanks for having me Christine.
  10. I forgot to say she was 2yrs in May
  11. She's fussy with treats, nothing seems to be her favourite, she either wants it or doesn't, her only love is egg white but its not often you just happen to have it handy. She doesn't bite me, she puts her head down for a tickle then climbs as high as she can so i cant get her, i still try and she still doesn't bite but continues to run away. If she finally goes onto my hand, as i take her out she grabs the cage and runs away again. ARGHHHHHH she will come out if i leave her cage open. but i have stopped leaving it open as i think she is getting too used to the idea that she doesn't need to come to me to get out.
  12. Dolly (my grey) is very friendly to me and only me, she will sit on me, take food from me, kiss me, and speak to me constantly (untill someone else walks in) My problem is that she used to come out of her cage on my hand, but now she wont come out anymore, only if i leave the cage open, then she comes out when she is ready. I can put my hand in her cage and she'll rub her head on me and push me to tickle her head, but she will not come out on my hand.
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