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Onyx's mum

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About Onyx's mum

  • Birthday 03/06/1963

Onyx's mum's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. hi all ive been so very busy But Onyx is doing just great will post new pics for you all. hes now on three meals a day (formula ) he also now eats small bits of fruit and ved loves peas and potatoes rice,brown and white he also eats harrisons fruity pellets so so far so good.
  2. couldnt wait so aint he she just the cutest
  3. will get some pics for you of his feathers tommoro theyve opened on his wings now and his little red tail feathers are just so quaint
  4. Hi Jayd yes got lots more new pics will post for you..... regarding the pellets im such afool i didnt realise they did sizes and they have sent me medium sized some are fairly small but then there are some half moon shaped bits i do feel silly but learn something new all the time
  5. Hi the zupreem pellets and some more kaytee turned up today whats the best way to offer Onyx a few of the pellets should i crush them and moisten them i got the fruit bend
  6. I have just ordered zupreem pellets and some more kaytee hand rearing, thanks for your responses
  7. hi Jayd yes its spongey i will see if i can post a more up to date pic of him tommoro its nearly 11pm here and hes stirring for his feed again i feed him from 7am then 11 am then 3 to 3.30pm then 7.30 pm and again at 11 pm last feed till morning i do hope this is alright
  8. hi i weighed him on my daughters kitchen scales before his feed maybe i have read it wrong, He is a large baby i will weigh him again tommoro but with some better scales he is eating like a trooper he eats every meal and all of it sometimes i think he wants more at the minute im giving him 47 mls of kaytee is this correct and shold i increase it if he wants more
  9. HI diego yes onyx is thrivibg considering. I weighed him today im not sure what they should weigh at 5 and half weeks old but he weighs 1lb before his feed, i think that is 460grms please advise me of weights if you know. his feathers are opening on his wings and today i noticed the first signs of the Red feathers on the tail, he is very alert now and likes to coo and make lots of funny baby noises to which i copy he is fantastic and its lovely watching the change in him seems daily now hes fine about being touched and cuddled i think probably it was just me worrying
  10. WOW thats just the funniest thing ive read brilliant it was
  11. thank you for all your kimd words. I do have a question to ask today i bought some dust free sawsaviins for him is this safe, also at what age do the tail start to appear
  12. Hi there can you tell me what pellets you would reccomend ive used harrisons before or P19 fruity pellets i would like to get some ordered in before i need them for Onyx
  13. Yes he sure is Jayd and with your advice and help he is doing fantastic. He is eating around 45 mls of food per meal every 4 hours and eats well i may add, feathes are coming through and the last couple of days hes been standing up really high on his legs. He is getting funnier by the day.
  14. Done, Sorry it took so long.

  15. You have no right talking about mowgli hs foot wa corrected get your facts right before you bad mouth some one. and your all only pissed of because i wont give your lot my birds well they are happy well looked after so stop picking on people who fall on hard times and try and get birds i was offered no help or advice as to what to do just rehome rehome we will have your husbands birds well you wont and as for lady she was never my bird ever.

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