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About laker4life24

  • Birthday 08/31/1973


  • Location
    Orange County, CA


  • Interests
    basketball, birds, dogs, and other animals

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. my grandfather did now it was not 3 weeks old thats why if u payed attention, and the beginning of the thread when i said the breeder said it was 3 weeks old,i said "i know this is not true."
  2. Talon, if you dont want to believe me, then dont. i know everyone else here does. @jillybeanz, i go to school, when i am at school, my grandpa takes care of the bird. also, i got my image for my avatar from google images, not from a camera
  3. i have some pics of the day after i got him, but i need to find out how to post them. my "insert image" wont work. if i can figure out how to post them, i will. i have a lot of pics of him. i really dont want to go through the hassle of using photobucket.
  4. the picture thing still doesnt work. By the way, i found out from the breeder, that since she didnt have good english, when she said 3 weeks, she meant 3 days. That was the reason he was only a couple of inches long. after finding this out, i know that he is now 22 days old. his eyes are almost all the way open, but he can can see now.
  5. when i do it, it doesnt give an option of "from computer". it just says to "enter the url of my image".
  6. I clicked insert image, and it doesn't give me an option to upload pics from my computer
  7. his leg is much better. i am keeping him in a round bowl type thing so his legs stay close to his body. i take him out a lot more though now because he cant really move in there. he is mostly gray now, and his eyes are really open, but not all the way. how do you post pics again, not using photobucket?
  8. yeah, the leg is kinda like that. but did they turn out to be okay on Calypso?
  9. yeah we're fine i am going to go tomorrow
  10. thanks guys, i'm sorry about being defensive in the begginning of this thread. i understand that you guys just want the best for the baby. He opened hiseye a little bit today and his feet are now more grey than pink. However, i need some help. He keeps his left leg straightand sticking out. Its not broken or damaged or anything like that, and i can bend it for him, but when i let go, it goes back into that position. i wanted to know what you guys think.
  11. The baby is doing really good. and malikah, thanks for the advice. it must have been tiring raising all those wild baby birds! Amigo(my baby grey) is doing really good and growing fast. thanks for all the help guys.
  12. hey guys, i wanted to know if it is okay for Amigo's bottom beak to be wider than the top one?
  13. thanks iwill post some pics soon. i too love baby pictures :)
  14. Amigo is doing pretty good. his eyes seem like they will open any day now, slits are forming. He is getting bigger, noisier and more active every single day. Today is my 1 week anniversary for getting him. :):)
  15. hummingbird how long is the incubation time for a pair of hyacinths?
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