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Everything posted by Charles&Syd

  1. I inherited Syd last Christmas from his late owner but have know Syd all my life, I say 47 as a guess, but could be older. I found a picture of Stan (his late owner) and Syd when Stan was in his late 30's and he died age 89 so could be 50 or more I do know most things about Grey as I was very keen at a young age and now being the parent of Syd I'm even more keen, so if anyone has any question feel free to ask, Thanks Charles
  2. Answer to questions, Syd isn't flighted he climbs down his cage and walks to me and follows me around the house (when he's not on my shoulder), I'm 25 and have had him as mine for 4 months but have known him all my life. He vocabulary is amazing really, just a list of the words he says Chips tonight That's alright how are you thank you yeah oh yeah wont be long see ya later bye bye bye wouldn't mind a bit of fish and chips you letting me out I'll come I'll come lalalalaaa a rather cheeky laugh and he counts backwards from 6 for some reason with a rather comical umm halfway through opera as well when he gets excited I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg seeing as its only been 4 months :-) Will try and update more as it goes across, dont know how to do the welcome forum thing please if anyone could advise I will start of a new forum, thanks Charles
  3. New to the site, hoping to share all my Greys comments with you all, Syd probably the oldest Grey on here at around 47 maybe or a bit more. Well the day starts in the morning as i walk into his room with his toast (he loves toast) he looks up and say "morning, how are you, thank you, bye" all in one sentence, then I give him his toast and he reply's "thats all right" before I go to work I go into his room to say bye which is followed by "bye bye" follow by a "see ya later" or a "wont be long" and if I stand around to long listening to him he says a rather sarcastic way "bye" as if to say are you going! :-) and don't get me started on when I take him outsides... Charles & Syd :-)
  4. Just jointed the forum site, My African Grey Syd is very old thinking around 47 years old and a few months, inherited him last Christmas as his owner passed away aged 89 found pictures when clearing of Syd with his late owner when his late owner was in his late 30's...lucky enough he has taken to me brilliantly and has shown a really new lease of life seeing as am only 25! He talks and sings, whistle for England comes on my shoulder outside and sits in the garden with me, by far the greatest friend I have ever had. Amazingly even thou I have only had him for just over 4 months, he said his first word in my voice about 3 weeks ago is this normal or am I just really lucky, don't get me wrong was a amazing long word was just simple with a bit of laddish charm YEAH! ha ha Will post picture of me and Syd up soon Charles & Syd
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