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About Vamppire

  • Birthday 02/03/1980


  • Location
    Bloomington, IN

Vamppire's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi all! This happened last night during a night fright. (see pic) He tried to grab it with his beak and with his foot - he can't reach with the foot, he can with the beak but nothing came from it. He wasn't too thrilled last night but seems OK today. Will this sort itself out? Do I need to be worried? Thanks!
  2. Funny your Grey's name is Spencer, too. How did you come to that name? My guy came with it.

  3. Spencer's first word was PEEKABOO!!!! It was a proud, proud day, I'll tell you... This was at about 11 months or so.
  4. We haven't had any long dialogues yet but I still crack up about this: when it was around 4pm and Spencer started singing, "good morning, good moorrning!" I replied, "It's not morning silly!" and he said, "Sleepy time?" I decided he needed a mid-day greeting so within a day he learned "konnichiwa!" Also, one day it was late and he kept repeating, "Sleepy time!..... Sleepy time!" etc but I was busy so I didn't respond yet.. finally he said, "Hello???", first time he ever said hello in a question tone, it was so funny!
  5. To anyone who has outdoor cages - how do you transport the bird from the home to the outdoor cage without risking them flying off? Thanks!
  6. I found that Spencer's poo is like my kitty with the sensitive stomach who, even after 12 years, still manages to come up with new and interesting places and ways to leave her 'presents' around the house. Spencer has now figured out how to project his morning bomb out of the cage. ahhh...
  7. Thanks so much everyone, I feel a whole lot better!
  8. Looking at pics, it actually might be closer to 3-4 months now since this ridge appeared. Wow, I didn't know it's been that long, I feel a little ashamed for not asking about this sooner It just didn't seem like something serious because the rest of him and his behavior is unchanged. But please let me know your thoughts... thank you!
  9. Hi - please see attached pictures. Spencer developed this ridge in his beak and I'm not sure why.. The beak dips a little down at the ridge towards the tip. Does anyone have any ideas here? It's been like this for maybe 2 months, but honestly I don't remember it being a gradual thing - I remember one day thinking, 'How did that happen?' For some reason it didn't look like something to be concerned about, but now I am worried. If the size of the ridge has increased, it must be subtle enough to not notice. It doesn't visibly look more pronounced now than when I first noticed it. Thoughts appreciated - thanks in advance!
  10. Spencer started a couple months ago at age 10-11 months with PEEK-A-BOO!!! and that opened the flood gates and he's saying a number of things now and trying to say a lot more I can't understand yet. It was like someone flipped the 'on' switch
  11. Got Spencer (CAG) flown in from a breeder in Georgia last Sept. and he was somewhere between $1000-1100.
  12. Spencer just started talking at 10-11 months and his first words were PEEK A BOO!
  13. My 'outsider' impression from your posts is that you're either honestly leaning towards a Timneh or you -want- to lean towards a Timneh but you're not really feeling it and are trying to come up with reasons why you should be... Only you can decide which one it is.. Since both are good choices, I say flip a coin. And then see if the outcome disappoints you... might give a better idea where your heart lies. Or, like others have said, leave it to fate and see what happens to be available and if that little face calls to you!
  14. Vamppire


    So far Spencer is scared of nuts in the shell. I took a brazil nut to him once and got the freak-out pterodactyl scream.... took the top of an almond off the other day so he could see the nut and he backed away from it, quickly tongued the shell and was NOT impressed and backed away more. lol! Meanwhile, he loves unshelled nuts. Oh well!
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