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About Greymatter

  • Birthday 11/25/1978


  • Biography
    I'm an avid animal lover, enjoy running with our dogs, and making bird toys with our flock.


  • Location
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


  • Interests
    Reading, scrapbooking, skiing, running, roller blading, our birds & Rhodesian Ridgebacks

Greymatter's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Welcome Shara! He looks beautiful! And the fact that he reciprocated what you've been telling him - well, I think he'll settle in soon enough Positive reinforcement is a great way of training!
  2. Welcome FlyFree! I had to call 19 breeders before I found an available baby grey when I was looking for one (in 1999). They were ALL spoken for otherwise! Good luck on your search!
  3. Welcome Salgar and Carla. Just reading some of the past posts and as per pp's advice, you should be able to work with Carla. Best of luck and enjoy!
  4. Ha ha - sounds like our goofball, Merlin. I've had Merlin since he was 6 weeks old (in 1999), and he's been with me through A LOT! I've ben his one constant in life, yet, as soon as he met Husband, he follows him around like a lost puppy dog. He just ADORES Husband. He likes me, lets me do everything Husband does to him, but he doesn't look around the house for me or do his wing bouncy thing when *I* come into the room. *sigh*
  5. Hello Dogu & Jack!! What an adorable avatar picture! I hope he steps up for you soon - they can be a bit stubborn at times.
  6. Welcome Jen & Earl! My boss's boyfriend's African Grey is also named Earl
  7. What a chunky monkey! He/she looks very alert I miss handfeeding tiels - they were always so good for me.
  8. I forgot how dark their eyes are when they're babies
  9. Wow! That's beautiful! What a great life for your flock!
  10. Welcome 2luvcag! Do you already have a grey, or hoping to have one soon?
  11. Welcome TaylorsMom! I'm sure you're excited to bring your grey one home
  12. Welcome John! I hope you're able to add a grey to your family soon! I had to call 19 breeders before finding one available when looking for Merlin.
  13. What a beautiful flock you have!
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