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Everything posted by Sunshine0125

  1. Harley has been 'clicking' at me :-)my other two always greet me with a Hi and start talking. Well Harley has started 'clicking' at me :-) So now I click to him and he does it right back. It is so sweet!!
  2. Spock..How long was Joey quiet before he started talking? To everyone else: Thanks so much for the encouragement. The previous owner didn't mention anything to me about him talking. I found her email and decided to send her an email asking her if he did talk and what words so I can use them to make him feel more comfortable. I just have to say that He (His name is Harley) is doing WONDERFUL! He has really opened up for me in the sense that I feel he is trusting me a lot more. He leans in for a kiss now when he steps up and he lets me pet his back without trying to bite me as much..lol...he even leans in for snuggles sometimes! He is very happy with my other two birds. They all sit on their huge play area together and play with toys, eat snacks etc. My other two birds (conure & quaker) talk up a storm all day long so if he is going to talk he would probably learn from them. But I am just so happy that he seems comfortable and content. He is such a beautiful, sweet bird. But he has his own opinion and I have to be very careful about his body language because if he doesnt want to step up and I am not paying attention to his body language he will practically attack me, and its funny because if he doesnt want a certain snack I offer him he will take it then throw is at me! LOL....I read that you never want to try to be boss with a grey but that you must earn their trust, so I am treating him as an equal, a friend, and trying to listen to what he wants and how he feels and that is really working. What a sweetie he is. :-)
  3. Ok..well, thank you for answering my question :-) He is such a sweetie and so loveable and I feel lucky to have him. I just didn't know if I should attempt to try teaching him or if I was wasting my time. I don't want to be annoying to him! LOL
  4. Hi! I adopted a 12 yr old Congo African Grey 6 weeks ago. We do not know his sex so we just call him a 'he'. He is a very well adjusted bird in that he doesnt pluck even with being re-homed, and he loves new toys and nothing seems to bother him. He doesnt talk at all, though. He does mimic the microwave and make water sounds. It doesnt matter to me if he talks or not but here's my question: Since he is 12 yrs old and I have had him 6 wks, does that mean I just have a grey that doesnt and won't talk? Or has anyone heard of it taking awhile for a Grey to talk after being re-homed? He seems to really like me...he lets me hold him, kiss him, pet his back, and he also makes funny whiney noises and trys to barf on me(which I was told is a good thing.lol). But he is just very very quiet. I have a 2 yr old Quaker and a 6 yr old White-Eyed Conure that have been with me since they were babies and they talk up a storm. They all sit together on a huge playstand my husband custom-built and are out all day long on it as I do not work anymore. SO everyone's very happy...I just wondered if since our new family member has not said a word in 6 wks, that means he's not a talker. Thanks so much for your help! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: Sunshine0125, at: 2010/02/05 22:21
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