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Everything posted by AngelPixel

  1. I know its like giving a baby a pacifier....Hes quiet and occupied for how ever long he has it. No he doesnt do the regurgitating action. He just has a little white substance on his tongue. He's a strange one i guess! He isn't your average grey hes very quiet and doesn't talk much. But I love him the same.
  2. So i never gave my african grey a pacifier before until a month or two ago. When he has one this is all he does with it. He does seem to prefer purple ones. Maybe its his favorite color lol. So he will take them and lick them for say, an hour or so. Either that or until i take it away....Sorry if the vid is a little blurry my first time using the camera. I also notice while he licks the pacifier he brings up a little white milky looking substance on his tongue.... Anyone know what he is doing? I have had him for 6 years and never saw him do this with anything before.
  3. Hey guys i posted a ton of pics on my flickr for everyone! check them out! http://www.flickr.com/photos/angelpixel
  4. Here are 4 different ones i made. he likes to destroy the balls after he picks everything out of them.... is there a better way for me to add multiple pics? linking from flickr?
  5. wow everyone! thanks for welcome party! i dont think i have ever been part of a forum that gave such a great welcome. i can tell youre all parronts like me! i treat them as if they were kids...cooking for them making them toys and such...they are the best part of my life. :cheer:
  6. Petco.com has sales all the time. I think you may be hard pressed to find a good sized cage for $200. I know I had a hard time finding one in my budget. I got him one that is 32x23x64 for $350. Its coming from A&E cages, I had to order it through my local bird store but the pricing was great. That price even included drop shipping to my house. The cage he is in now was the one the original owners gave me, it is 24x24x60 and he seems a little cramped in it and the welds were breaking so I figured it was time to upsize anyway. I know $$ is a big concern for people these days but if you can save up a little extra to get a nicer cage you won't be disappointed. I've owned cheap cages in the past and they just end up in the garbage when they rust, or welds break, or plastic breaks, etc. Your bird won't waste the space if you give them enough to do
  7. Hey everyone, my name is Jordan and I am owned by a 16 year old male CAG (Einstein). I got him when he was 10 years old from another family who thought he was too much to take care of anymore. I am also owned by a 9 year old female sennie (Grace). I love my african beauties and cant wait to share stories and pictures. You can find me on facebook where i have a bunch of pictures of them both. The fids are my life and i have tons of knowledge to share. facebook.com/angelpixel
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