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Everything posted by martinels2

  1. brilliant just love the pics thanx
  2. hi bud im new to the forum but boy will you learn some things on hear and the family is totally awesome anything you want to know just ask and theres always someone hear who can help enjoy martin
  3. ooooops it dont work .had rocky and paddy out together yesterday .and rocky the grey chased paddy the oranged winged everywhere.we had to put them in different rooms.shame as i wanted them out together main thing is i was watching them like a hawk. and they are both ok:blink:
  4. love the pics kevin glad you got them up .i was doing the same as you took me ages to get the photos up thanx again martin
  5. you no its love when you both close eyes to kiss he he
  6. well hear he is at last having a real snuggle and scratchy scratchy
  7. yes it worked hooooorray:laugh:
  8. hi pat and frosty im new to i have a grey called rocky and an orange winged amazon called paddy they are just great .you will learn so much hear it is really amazing so much info welcome aboard martin:)
  9. hi buffy and echo im new hear to and yes i totally agree the site is awsome welcome aboard and thanx to all members for the info so far martin
  10. he he that was great my wife has steam coming out of her ears she is a big fan so paddy has no choice in fact i think hes tone deaf ha ha thanx again
  11. thanks so much 4 that but i feal really guilty now he just wants to come close to me i mite have to stay up all night he he thanx again martin
  12. welcome jordan and einsteign im new to but aint this site just great welcome again martin:)
  13. after posting im new in the new members section i had some questions about rocky my african grey hes about 10 months old he says hello scratchy scratchy which im sure he picked up off our oranged winged amazon paddy. i have a few questions firstly i have let them out together once they seamed fine but i was very nervouse is it wise to do this?????? secondly why do greys scratch at the bottom of the cage ???? and finally why does he sleep on the bottom of the cage when the orange winged paddy sleeps on the perch we have had them both from babys
  14. hi everyone im new to the site but wanted to let you know about are little joker paddy,the orange winged amazon.he says scratchy scratchy and puts his head down for a scratch from anyone in the family and outside of it .he also says hello in about 20 different tones.when he wants attention its bold and loud but when hes covered up he really creeps and says it soooo soft and loving .put on any westlife songs on especially uptown girl and watch him dance.i cant beleive wot he does these birds are truely awsome .i will try to put up a video and some pictures of the little fella he is only about 15 months .he also calls me a wxxxxr which im sure my wife taught him many thanx martin:)
  15. heres a question why do they both dip monkey nuts in the water and make such a mess i have given them 2 water bowls now so they always have clean water:ohmy:
  16. just wanted to say hello i am a property developer and love carp fishing i have a grey and an orange winged amazon rocky is the grey paddy the orange wing.rocky is like a little baby with me but hes not to happy with the rest of the family.he has just started to talk and whistle.he is a real star paddy is a real comedy act he talks dances swears .i think rocky is learning a lot from him .i just wish paddy would stop sreaming it goes right through me .but hay we all love him.anyway this site is awsome who ever made it has my thanx nice to be hear martin rocky and paddy
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