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  1. My Dorian is a chest plucker and I have had him since he was nine weeks old. I fed him until he was weaned and continue to this day to feed him by a spoon his oatmeal and other favorites. He started plucking his chest just after he turned one. He is now going to be three in Dec. His personality didn't change and he's been seen by the vet several times and he found no medical reason for him to do this. I have tried various remedies, but none have worked. When I, like you, heard that grey's are prone to plucking, I thought but my bird won't be like that and if he did pluck how would I react? Well, once you have him/her it will make little difference to you. They are beautiful with or without their feathers.... You see, it's not the outward appearance you fall in love with, but the true insides of the bird. Their sweet and endearing little personalities make them the most beautiful creatures that they are. So, if by chance your grey becomes a plucker and there is no medical reason for it, you will find that it's really not a BIG DEAL after all. I hope this helps. Kevin
  2. I adopted Sunshine, a blue and yellow Macaw back in October. He has been with me now for 8 months. Seems like just a few weeks. Where does the time go??? He is still adapting, but is making progress every day. At first he wouldn't come out of his cage. Now he looks forward to coming out and going onto his Java tree. We progressed then to sitting on my arm in the evening while watching tv. We have now graduated to resting and preening on my stomach while I lay on the couch. He is still a bit jumpy with any movements that I make that are sudden or jerky, but he has made steady progress and I'm hoping he continues to develop and accept me completely. He only has said Hello a few times and he NEVER screams or hollars. I wish he was more vocal, but that is probably a wish that I'd would regret if he were to become more vocal.lol. He is a sweet bird and even allows my parrotlet to sit on the tree and eat out of his food bowl, while he sits and watches him. He never tries to bite or act aggressively. Kevin
  3. Sunshine's eye is a bit swollen and the skin around it is pinkish. He puts his claw into the lower part and stretches out the skin on the bottom. He appears to be scratching it. I can't get him into the vet until Monday afternoon, as that is the earliest my vet can see him. Has anyone seen this behavior before and what should I do until I can get him to the vet. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much,.... Kevin
  4. Glad it's off and all is well. She came through it like a real trooper. I think it was harder on you than it was on her...lol. Best of everything to you and Lucy. Now you can just love her and enjoy her. Kevin
  5. Beautiful Lady Gouldian Finches and Timbrado Canaries for sale. Spanish Timbrados are a strain of canary originated in Spain. Probably the truest and most pure line of Canaries in song and ancestry. Known for their beautiful and lyrical song. Contact Kevin for more information if interested.
  6. She's lookin real good... I'm sure she will heal wonderfully and get around much better than she did before. She is a lucky lady to have found such a great daddy. I am just glad it's over and all is fine. Thanks for all the updates. Kevin
  7. Hi Chris, I'm so glad that it's over and now you can relax. I'm sure it was the right thing to do and you will be amazed how fast she'll recover. Thoughts were with you today and many prayers. Keep us posted on how well she is doing. Kevin
  8. I have noticed that whenever I have a female visitor over to my home, Sunshine goes out of his way to be noticed. He loves for them to pet him and he dances and gets all excited. He rejects me during this time and I am unable to pet him at all. After they leave, he allows me to pet him and will sit on my arm and let me scratch his head, but that is all. His wings and chest are not allowed to be touched. Is it possible that he will never fully bond with me since I am a male. I'm hoping that with time he will accept me as readily as he accepts females? Is this possible? I've had him for nearly 3 months now and I can handle him and touch him to bring him out of his cage and I also shower with him. He nips sometimes at my hand, but has never fully bitten me. He is extremely quiet. Never screams or squawks.... NEVER! I only heard him three times when I first got him squawk and now he just does quiet little grunts to let me know he wants something. He's a blue and gold and is a wonderful bird. Just curious and wondering if he'll accept a male as his owner, as I have read that they can prefer one sex over the other.
  9. Hang in there. She will adjust wonderfully without the toe. It's amazing how animals adapt to change that we as humans would have trouble with. She is in capable hands and is loved dearly and that is really all that matters. Keep us posted and try to focus on how much better she'll get around and not on the surgery....Kev
  10. I have had a canary lose a toe, then another and another until the whole foot fell off. He was left with a stump and it healed fairly well and he got a long just fine. I also adopted an owl finch that was missing most of his toes. He got around well and he even fathered several clutches of beautiful owl finches. So, I think Lucy will be fine and keeping it clean is the best advice anyone could give. I'm sure the vet knows what he/she is doing, so just enjoy your bundle of joy and know she'll be fine. Wish I could see her in person..... Who knows, maybe someday, eh? Your Pal.... Kevin
  11. Hi Chris, Very cute video. Lucy is already large.. how much bigger will she get. She looks as big as my blue and gold already. I'm sure you're having a blast with her. Rambo seems to have adjusted to her very well. I'm really thrilled for you. I read your other post and I know what your saying about info. on macaws. The other forums just aren't what this one is. Hope you had a great holiday and have a very Happy New Year.... Kevin
  12. Well, I'm sure you're not sleeping tonight.... I got on tonight just to check on the progress of her homecoming. I am thrilled to read that today will be the day. My thoughts and well wishes are with you. I know how long you have anticipated her arrival and now she will be home with you at last. She is one very fortunate little birdie and I am sure that Rambo will adjust to your new addition. It won't take that long. Dorian, has adjusted just fine and Sunshine and he are out together all the time with no problems. Relax, Enjoy and take a lot of pictures. Have a Wonder Holiday Season!!! Kevin
  13. It won't be long now. She will be home and you'll know that the waiting was all worth it. She is so beautiful..... Wish I could see her in person.... Best of luck to you and I know she has a wonderful home to come home to. Kevin....
  14. What???? Oh No!!! I thought that after the terrible two's life got better.... Dorian will be 2 on Dec. 12 and has turned into a MONSTER... Boy can I relate to this. HE's into everything and doesn't deter from any mischevious or destructive behavior. Only at the end of the day when he's tired does he finally settle down and become affectionate, but he may just be fooling to get one more chunk out of my lip???? I love him dearly, but it's such a change from before. Please tell me your kidding and that after the two's they become more mature and settle down. Even if it's a lie, just tell me. lol Kevin
  15. I'm still laughing.... That has to be one of the funniest stories I have ever read. Thank you for posting it. Anyone who has ever tried to cook with a Grey can certainly relate.....Still laughing!!! Kevin
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