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  1. he eats and drinks and plays then sleeps then repeats. i guess its naps because i put him to bed earlier and no naps the last couple of days.
  2. sampson for the past 2 days has been sleeping during the day. is this normal? he is still eating and drinking. just like he is taking naps though out the day. the only ting that has change is that i got a new amazon. any idaes?
  3. Hey guys i adopted an 8 month old BFA today. Her name is dorie. She lived with a buddy of mine since she was a chick. they hand fed her but as time went on they didnt have very much time for her. she hasnt been held in almost 3 months and shes alittle fiesty now. she has been out of her cage hanging out for the past 3 hours. when she was in her cage and i said step up she lifted her foot but im am nervous because when she is out and i do that all she wants to do is try to bite me. what should i do? she is used to me because i saw her all the time when she was at my buddies house. not at all acting shy.
  4. well i have had him about a month now. hes a trip. so should i go ahead and try to pick him up. i take it you dont think it an aggressive behavior either? he stays on the other side of a partition in the dinning room while sampson the grey is in the living room. oh yeah he also talks nonstop.
  5. hey guys i have a 15 yr old BFA and he always comes to the front of the cage to see me but i tried to let him step up on my hand and he hasnt tried to bite me but he gets on the front perch and leans over and flutters his wings. and he makes a purring sound. doesnt look upset. i think hes a male. i got him and he had been living on a play stand for 15 years. i decided he needed to be in a cage and boy did he take to it! he loves it. when hes on his stand he lets me pet him but then he starts the leaning over nd purring. puffed up alittle too. but he seems to really like it when im petting him. any ideas? another thing is when he is on his stand and my grey is on his the amazons fluffs up and pins his eyes he doesnt like the grey. but thge grey just ingores him. should i just keep the grey out of his sight?
  6. Hey guys! i adopted a blue front amazon yesterday. he is 15 years old. i got him from a lady who had a sick son that she had to take care of. any way she had him for the past 14 years. and he has never lived in a cage he has a big play stand he stays on. she said he never comes off unless she would go get him. so i did some reasearch an read that these guys are kind of agressive at times, she told me she has never had any problems with him. should i get him a cage or should i just let him be on the stand? if on the stand he will have to be in my bed room with the door closed. i have an cag also. he lives in a cage in the main room in the house. how should i introduce them? should i just move the BFA in the room with him or should it be a process?
  7. Well as Sampson was doing his morning ritual of whistles and beeps, i heard hello, woohoo and an evil little laugh. Then this morning i heard "what are you doing?". but he only does it when im laying in bed before i get up in the morning. anything i can do to get him more confident?
  8. Ok so i put a folded blue towel on my hand and sampson jumped right on. so thats the trick with him, my bare hand in the cage is a no go but a blue towel on a hand and hes ready to come out. he has been out everyday this week and he is even letting me rub his beak. no scrstches yet though. im just happy he actually lijkes to come out now. who'd of thought thats all it took.
  9. well he was her pet for 3 years then she moved and put him in the shed for the past 2 yrs. i believe when he was in the house she spent time with him seeing as he knows how to step up. but in the past 2 years i belive he was confined to his cage all the time. dont know about the bathing though i would guess not cuz he hates baths. and for toys he couldnt care less havent seen him so much as touch them. his diet was mainly sunflower seeds which i have changed. i had a behavoralist come out yesterday. we got him out and i got to hold him for about 2 hours for the first time before i could get him to go to him cage. he didnt let me scratch him or pet him but i got to hold him, awesome.
  10. Hey guys, Sampson has been sitting on his perch in the cage and he leans over and raises his wings. it looks like he wants to fly but when i open the door he wont come out. also i saw 2 wing feathers on the floor they havent been chewed i think he might be starting to molt, the next day he had a little spot on his chest that looks kind of scruffy. how would i know if he is molting? i have only had him for a week tommorrow.
  11. thanks guys that was all very helpful. when he was in the shed he was with breeder birds but he had his own cage. there was also and umbrells cockatoo in a cage that was im guessins 20x20x30 pretty small if you ask me, anyways. when he was on the ground and i put my hand near him he growled so thats when i just used the dowel. and the cheese i gave him was just a pinch,not an everyday thing. also when i covered LoJack Mcfeathers cage sampson acted like he wanted to be a little more vocal and move around his cage. im feeding him a parrot mix the lady gave me. But, im a chef so he get alot of fresh stuff. she fed him fresh fruit by throwing a whole apple or orange in the bottom of his cage. both time i went to see him he had a rotten piece of fruit in his cage. ill post some pictures sometime today so yall can see him. thanks agian for your help.
  12. Hey guys my name is joe and i adopted an cag that is male and he is 5 yrs old. i got him from a lady who had him in a shed with a lot of other breeder birds. he lived inside her house for 3 yrs then the past 2 he has been in the shed. i brought him home on saturday and he takes food from my hands but wont let my hand to close when theres no bars between us, he just lightly growls at me. he knows how to step up just will do it on the dowel right now. i let him out today i thought he would just stay on his cage but he took off and bumped the wall, i put the dowel in front of him and told him to step up and he got right on it. questions 1) should i let him out before he is really used to me, especially when he flys into the wall? 2) should i clip his wings? 3) when i gave him some cantaloupe and cheese bits today his eyes started pinning like crazy what does that mean, is pinning eyes always a bad thing? 4) is there anything i can do noe besides talking to him and hand feeding him treats? 5) is there any good bonding games? Sorry for all the questions! this site has given me alot of information so far thanks guy. Sampson says thanks too.
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