I am about to purchase my first African Grey. I am very excited and making sure that I am prepared. Doing so, I have a few questions.
1. I am planning to keep the bird in my bedroom, bring her into the living area whenever I am home, but keeping the BR as a point of safety. I have a very consistant schedule, and I feel that the bird would be too stressed in the living area if I had a party or a group of people over or something. I also generally get up early, so I don't think it would bother me in the mornings. Is this a bad idea? I live alone.
2. In the past, I have had other birds, and I have left them out during the day - without any problems. I am planning to do the same with this bird once I get it. She is only about 3-4 months old, and I feel that she can be trained to know her space. This is another reason for me chosing the Bedroom as her home, becuase I can leave here there, and there aren't a lot of dangers for her- in comparison to the living room/kitchen. Her cage will be 22"x22"x30"
3. If I put her near a window with blinds, can i keep them open, or do i need to close them? I don't expect a draft problem. But I am concerned about stressing her.
All advise and opinions welcome!