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  1. Yes it is! But a good representation of what they can do. I raise the Blue and Golds and had Pairs of GreenWings the Blue and Golds do not hold a candle to the VOLUME a GreenWing has. Just my personal observation.
  2. I just redid the link below the other one wouldn't work for me. Let me know if it doesn't work or just look up screaming macaw! I found these videos of a GreenWing Screaming on YouTube These are great examples of what they are capable of. Teresa<br><br>Post edited by: teresasbirds, at: 2008/08/04 06:19
  3. Macaws and apartments are not a good mix in my opinion. I have had folks contact me to purchase Macaw Babies that live in apartments and have refused (talked them out of it ) to sell them a baby. Trained right they are not constant screamers but the volume of the scream when it happens would upset a neighbor lets say that works the night shift and sleeps during the day. The town I am in has large yards 1 1/2 acre lots some folks 4 houses down bought( approximately 900 ft away )a baby from me and when they take him outside he will scream a few times I hear him plain as day. They can also hear my breeder pair of macaws and they are in an indoor aviary. Even the medium to large conures can cause problems in an apartment situation. There are so many types of parrots have you looked into any others that may be more suitable to your situation that raised right are just as affectionate? There are senegals, meyers, Quakers(illegal in some states)cockatiels, caiques gosh just to name a few that are VERY affectionate if raised right and do not have the volume when they vocalize like a larger bird and also do not need the huge cage space that a macaw needs.
  4. Wow she is a pretty one....you will have so much fun. Is she talking yet? Its fun to watch them learn they roll there tounge around in there mouth like they are tasting the words when they are learning.
  5. Today is the day.....did you bring her home? Hope it all goes well keep us updated!!
  6. Today is the day.....did you bring her home? Hope it all goes well keep us updated!!
  7. AAAAHHHHH! She is a pretty little girl your going to love her{Love-0002006D}She looks like she is having fun in the picture. Laying on there back like that is total trust. Nice cage.
  8. She is pretty...there faces show so much expression. One minute they look so soft and loving and the next they are looking like they just want to get into trouble! Just like little kids{Feel-good-00020114}
  9. The primary use of probiotics is to restore the normal flora in the crop that often occurs because of poor diet or the use of antibiotics.Here are a few links I found this morning. Live culture yogurt can be fed but as a dietary balance (my personal opinion)not to treat yeast infection. It wouldn't hurt to ask the vet to get you the med to treat your pet. Its just an insurance policy. http://www.cagenbird.com/candida.htm http://www.realmacaw.com/pages/yeast.html http://www.poultryyouth.com/articles/article-5/
  10. I love the Blue and Gold Macaw babies they are the sweetist babies. Your going to be so happy when your baby comes home:) They are such show offs, clowns and snuggle bunnies. To bad you live so far from the breeder!I love it when the folks buying the babies from me are close enough to visit. Here are some of my past babies 2007 & 2006 http://teresasbirds.com/2007-blue-and-gold-macaw-babies.html http://teresasbirds.com/blue-and-gold-macaw-babies-06.html
  11. Treating with an antibiotic is sometimes a must but you should ask the vet about treating with Dyflucan or nystatin or a similar drug after an antibiotic. Treating with antibiotics can sometimes kill the good bacteria in the crop and cause a yeast infection dyflucan or simialar drug will help to avoid this problem if the antibiotic was given orally.
  12. Hi: I personally do not own a Grey but I use to help an elderly lady that bred them. They loved cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt. I know my Macaw LOVES cottage cheese more then nuts if given a choice.
  13. personally I would only feed him seed every other day or as a treat if you have pellets out for him all the time and feed him fresh foods of some kind everyday. If you go to my web site you will see a page called care and feeding it may help you. Just keep trying a variety of foods.
  14. Can you be more specific in what thy are doing? I breed tiels and may be able to help. You say they are adult do you have any idea on the age? Teresa
  15. Here is what is sad these birds do LOVE each other....like we do when we have a partner. Me personally harsh as this may sound if you are wanting one for a pet I would place the other in a different home all together. Even in seperate rooms they will call back and forth. Here is what I tell folks that are purchasing birds from me and they ask if they should get it a companion. I tell them they shouldn't not if they want the bird to bond with them....there is always an exception to every rule. If they feel they MUST get another bird I tell them to get a completly different species. It makes no differance if they have bred they are what is called bonded and are in all respects a pair and will try to protect each other from any outside interfearance. Teresa
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