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  1. sorry pic didnt upload :angry:
  2. hi just a few pics of bonkers for you all to see
  3. fiona


    hi thanks for the advice think i will start looking around now for pellets for bonkers.. Also i been to afraid to give bonkers paper to play with but reading thro the forums it sounds like it a normal thing to do so im going to be busy today making origami pieces with monkey nuts hiden in them xx
  4. fiona


    thanks mistyparrot he has his normal every day seed mix and fresh water then on different days he has fruit both fresh and dried veg once a day usually fruit in the morning veg in the evening he has boiles egg once a week i also sprinkle calcium powder once a week into his seed he aslo has a cuttlebone and calcium perch but any more advice wld be great
  5. hello would just like to introduce myself and my new baby bonkers a cag im a new mum of 3 weeks and he is soooo much part of the family already cant beleive how much fun they can bring into your lives even tho he is only 15 weeks old he has a personality all of his own.he loves watching tv especially cartoons (sponge bob square pants is his favorite lol) i have read many times that they prefer one person but bonkers just loves every one that will play and talk to him ohh and feed him , he steps up and comes to you when you call him he not yet saying any words but god he can make some strange noises lol anyway think thats enough of me talking about bonkers hope to hear from you all soon xxxx also wld like to say sorry if you have read this in the grey lounge but its taken me a bit to get used to this site or i could just blame it on being blonde lol:P ;)
  6. fiona


    hi thanks for the replies bonkers does have enough toys to play with in and out of his cage lol thought i had lived my time with toys strewn around the house as my to children are 17 and 13 but then along came bonkers lol but we love him even tho i have also put up with childrens cartoons all day as he loves to sit and watch them he also likes rugby and the x factor ... sorry for got to say he is 15 weeks old
  7. fiona


    im a new owner of a cag (bonkers) he already is a big part of mine and my families life, he is perfect in every way but i need advice on why is he going to the bottom of his cage to the corner and scratches i try to ignore it for as long as i can cos i dont want him to learn if he does that then he can come out to play as he already has approx 6 hrs out of his cage a day . he only started doing it for the past 5 days ( i have had him for 3 weeks) so any advice on why he does it and how to stop it wld be much apriciated thanks
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