hello would just like to introduce myself and my new baby bonkers a cag im a new mum of 3 weeks and he is soooo much part of the family already cant beleive how much fun they can bring into your lives even tho he is only 15 weeks old he has a personality all of his own.he loves watching tv especially cartoons (sponge bob square pants is his favorite lol) i have read many times that they prefer one person but bonkers just loves every one that will play and talk to him ohh and feed him , he steps up and comes to you when you call him he not yet saying any words but god he can make some strange noises lol anyway think thats enough of me talking about bonkers hope to hear from you all soon xxxx
also wld like to say sorry if you have read this in the grey lounge but its taken me a bit to get used to this site or i could just blame it on being blonde lol:P ;)