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  1. OH SHES SO ADORABLE!! and what a fun idea, im going to hang one of those bendy perches from the ceiling too. thanks!
  2. ....i tried to post a picture but instead that just posted a bunch of times. oops!
  3. This is Gabby, since these were taken (about a month ago) she has lost a lot of chest feathers.:unsure:
  4. This is Gabby, since these were taken (about a month ago) she has lost a lot of chest feathers.:unsure:
  5. This is Gabby, since these were taken (about a month ago) she has lost a lot of chest feathers.:unsure:
  6. This is Gabby, since these were taken (about a month ago) she has lost a lot of chest feathers.
  7. This is Gabby, since these were taken (about a month ago) she has lost a lot of chest feathers.<br><br>Post edited by: karina, at: 2010/01/05 05:53
  8. Acappella, thank you that was so helpful! I think thats what im doing wrong i pet her until she decides to stop it (by biting) haha. I will for sure try just petting her for a couple seconds and then praising her, thanks!!
  9. I think she asks for it, i pet her when she puts her head down and kinda of stretches it out at me. I deffinatley agree that she doesn't know me well enough yet, i'm just curious if i should be doing something this early or not? I don't want her to think that its okay, yet from what i've read its normal.
  10. Gabby is 13 yrs old. I got her about 5 weeks ago. She does like to be petted, but when i am petting her sometimes she turns her head around and bites me! How do i react when she does that, and further more how do i stop it? Im sure this is something that will take time but how do i start the process? thanks!
  11. Gabby seems to really like flying. She flys around the house to get where she wants to go. i was under the impression it was much better to cut their flight feathers. Plus i don't want her to fly away! However i would like you keep her wings the way they are..i mean she is a bird, thats what they do.
  12. Ive had her for about 5 weeks, and i am scared because of her feather problem, i just feel like shes been through a lot and was sad for so long and i don't want anything to be wrong with her i just want her to be happy now. I love animals, and of course as most do i concider them family, however ive never had a bird. Ive dealt with a lot of animal issues but every species, and inividual animal for the matter is so different. So when i say behavioral problems, it may just be things that are normal or her personality. She was a very lonely bird. Shes had hardly any attention at all for the past 10 years, and had not even been out of her cage in at least 2. I cant even think about her sitting in her cage alone day after day especially bc she loves interaction. Its absolutely heartbreaking because she really is a sweet girl. One time i caught her holding one of her toys petting herself on the head with it, im assuming she had to do that a lot bc noone even touched her. When i go up to her she puts her little head down and lets me pet her for a while however she always turns her head around to bite me, sometimes not hard at all she more just rubs her beak on my fingers and squints, other times she bites pretty hard, i would really like to stop that. She loves coming out of her cage, she sits on top of it and if i go into the kitchen she flys in there after me. She is such a little doll. Shes cute and funny and so sweet you cannot help but to love her. I just want to grab her and hug and kiss her! I know i cant though haha. I need to have her wings clipped but i want to wait until she is more comfortable. I am ordering a table top parrot perch so i can put her on the table next to the couch bc she seems to like being a part of things, and other than her cage she doesnt have any thing else to perch on. This way she can sit right next to me and i can play and bond with her more. SO to sum it up i want to fix her feathers, stop her biting, and for her to be a happy loving bird. Aagain thank you everyone so much for helping me help Gabby.
  13. karina


    I used to have pet rats and bumblefoot is a very common problem in them. A lot of times it is caused by a wound on the foot and applied pressure, or consistant irritation. To treat it in rats they need antibiotics, and i know there is a cream to relieve irritation and help heal. Also the foot must be kept very clean. Obviously they are two different species so i dont know how helpful that was but i thought i'd share. I hope your Grey gets better soon!!!!
  14. I will post pictures asap
  15. I recently had a female CAG given to me (Gabby). She is 13 yrs old and was neglected for many years. She always had fresh food and water but 0 attention. Before i got her from the office i had noticed some feather loss on her chest and it has just gotten progressively worse. She has lost a lot of feathers from her abdomen and back. Her wings, tail, and head are perfect (so far)..but her whole little torso is all...fluffy looking with patches missing. I do give her baths regularly, much more frequently than she had gotten for the last 10 years. I havent had her for too long, but i love her very much and am very scrared. She has some behavioral problems (thats another story) but she is a little sweetheart and has been through a lot and i just want to make her better. Any advice is very much appriciated, thank you!!!!
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