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Everything posted by BBlack19
Thanks everyone for your advice and I'll let you know what I try and what happens. The one thing I am noticing is that when I do see him pulling on his neck it's always the down he's ripping out and not the actual feather. I've never seen him actually pull a feather out and I haven't really seen any laying around his cage. I think at most, one or two I've found but it's mostly the down I see him ripping at.
Also I have posted a few new pics of him from the other day if anyone would like to take a look.
Also I have posted a few new pics of him from the other day if anyone would like to take a look.
That's what I'm hoping for. I'm also noticing right now that's he's really been scratching around the neck a lot too. He keeps kicking around his neck like a dog does. Also his feathers do look a bit scruffy. They don't look like they should. They're a big ol' mess right now!
thanks for the info. I plan on taking him to the vet again on Saturday but a different one this time. I couldn't get an appoinment this week so I have to do a walk in Saturday morning. I'll get there pretty early so I know I'll get in there first. This is the part I don't get either. He's sitting with me right now and I'm playing and talking with him and he's still tugging at his neck. I think part of the problem might be not enough time out of the cage and baths. I'm in the Air Force and I just got back from a deployment and I don't think my wife was doing everything with him she could of. She's got a Hahn's macaw that I'm sure she played with more while I was gone. I'm hoping since I'm back that more interaction with me and a bath a few times a week might help. Also he is only 10 1/2 months old right now. Could that have anything to do with anything? He will be 1 on the 24th of November.
Hello all, I haven't been on here for awhile and I'm trying to find out why my little Petrie is plucking the feathers around his neck. Everything is good according to the vet but he still keeps doing it and it's only the front side of his neck. He's out with me every night for at least 4-6 hours when I get home from work. He constantly wants to be with me and every toy I buy for him, he wants nothing to do with. There's a couple things that he'll play with for a few minutes and then he just goes back to wanting to sit with me and that's it. It just doesn't seem normal and wondering if anyone else has had this experience. My biggest thing is the plucking. He also hates getting wet but I end up having to mist him anyway and he gets through it without a big problem. Any advice ANYONE can give me with definitely be appreciated. Thanks in advance all. Brian
He'll walk all around but normally he'll just go to the bottom of the cage and start doing a kicking motion until I get him out.
I like the name Beaker! I wanted to change Petrie's name to that but it's a little late. I think it's a cool and fitting name!
Just a quick question. My new little guy, Petrie, seems to be doing well but it doesn't seem like he's completely weaned. I mean he is eating on his own but when it's around dinner time and we're all eating, including him, he seems to eat some then want to get on my shoulder and he started opening his beak and making a whining call like he wants someone to feed him. Is that normal?? Also he doesn't seem like he plays with any toys and doesn't want to hang on his cage at all. He just wants to be on my shoulder or with me. I've tried many different toys. Got him used to them and he just seems to want nothing to do with them. He just wants to be with me. Is this normal? Hopefully someone out there's got some advice. Thanks all. Brian
I posted a few new pictures of Petrie on my profile for you guys to check out!
That's kind of what i thought FairY but he does it sitting on my shoulder or sitting on the bed. He doesn't do it when he's in his cage. So I try letting him into his cage and he just ends up jumping and flying back to me! He doesn't constantly do it and it's not bothering me or annoying me. Just trying to find out why he's doing it! I think I'll figure it out at some point. I took a few more pictures of him last night and I'm going to post them sometime tonight, if you want to see some more.
Hey all I just wanted to say my CAG, Petrie, is finally home. He came home this past Friday and seems to be adjusting fairly well. I pretty much left him a long the first couple of days but he seemed like he always wanted to be out with me. So if that's what he wanted, that was fine with me. He seems to be eating and drinking plenty. His favorite thing to do is sit on my shoulder in the evening and rest his eyes. The only thing I'm wondering about is he's been just whining like a baby the past day or two. Is that normal? It's nothing loud or annoying, just a little whine. Any input? He sitting here on my computer desk right now with his head tilted and starring at me while I type. Pretty cute actually. Anyway I was just wondering about the whining and I'll be sure to post some pictures of him here at home soon. Thanks for everything. Brian
I just got back from visiting Petrie about an hour ago and found out that he'll be coming home this coming weekend. He hasn't been taking the baby food since Thursday so I was told if he still maintains his weight for 7 days then I'll be able to bring him home Friday. Hopefully all goes well and he's been eating normal parrot food since Thursday and he's still weighing around 1lb. I'll definitely post pictures when I get him home.
Oh yeah...he's definitely comfortable. He's climbing all over me and being a little goofball. I decided to name him Petrie from the movie "The Land Before Time". I'm going to bring a camera with me to the store tonight and get a couple pictures to post.
Oh yeah I've been reading everything I can find! The one I'm getting is also a CAG. I'll be getting him/her in about 3-4 weeks. He's already really trying to get off the baby food. I visit with him just about every day for about an hour or so. He just started using his feet to hold his food tonight. Can't wait to bring him home. Got everything set up and waiting.
I just wanted to say hey and I'm new here. I'm just getting into this and I haven't gotten my first AG yet. I put a deposit on one but I won't be able to get him/her until early Feb. I was just wondering what to expect?! I've wanted to get one for the past 6 or so years and I finally decided to get one. Well my wife finally let me get one! He's still at the breeders and I'm going to be by there every couple of days to visit and start the bond but is there anything else I should know? I appreciate any info anyone can give me. Thanks for all the help. Brian