Just wanted to say hi to you all before I go and have a good look around, I have 2 greys and 2 blue/green cheek conures. Eric is my eldest grey he is 11 years, he is a rescue bird and a plucker, I am hoping he is recovering now but its a long and slow process, he recently had a proceedure called "feather pinning" this is where donated primary wing feathers are implanted into his plucked feathers, I think the procedure was successful, but as you all know, it will take sometime to see the full advantage, I am seeing so much improvement, so i hope for the best. (Eric is not hand tame and fearful of human contact so that makes it a bit harder)
Echo is the baby grey at 2 and half years, I have had her from a baby and she is just fantastic, very loving and caring, my two little ones are great aswell, lovely company.
Anyways, I just wanted to say Hi and to give you all a little history about my flock, I have a few questions, so I will have a good look around and hopefully find some answers, if not i will post up for your help. Thanks in advance x Squid x