hey everybody,
iv been toying with the idea of getting a grey for about 2-3 years now. The guy who owns the local petshop has 4 parrots of his own amongost dogs/cats and other birds he keeps at home. The guys really cool and knows his stuff, every now and again he gets a grey in that somebody doesnt want or he gets them from a breeder and hand rears them from young.
At the moment he has a 15 week old grey in which is lovely, its a congo with a nice red tail.. quite a character aswell - it bit me yesterday when i had a hold because some Chav came running into the back of the shop and started shouting all kinds at the bird "ahhh lad is dat ur bird" etc then the owner proceeded to tell the guy no it wasnt for sale, even though it was - which i thought is a great sign he wont just sell to anybody.
can any of you suggest somewhere to buy a cage from at an affordable price? iv seen loads on ebay/different websites and the prices for the same cage can vary massively!!