dear ramsabi,
I need your help please,
I live in Jeddah, Saudi. and I have a similar problem, my grey is very sick and he won't eat or drink but no vomiting
it started sometime this past Friday, I took him to the vet but again like your case we don’t have experts vets here so we don’t know what’s wrong
I started feeding him baby food like you did but then I contacted the vet that you visited in Dubai and they said that I have to force feed him, I got weaning food for a pet shop and I grinded it, added water and started to feed him with the same dose as yours , 10 cc every 3 hours. (force feeding)
anyways the vet gave him a shot of antibiotics and B12 vitamin, on Saturday , Sunday , and Money and today I gave him oral stomach medicine and I’m going to vet again now for update.
any advice please as he is still not eating and he looks extremely weak. By the way I started the baby parrot food today. We don’t have baby formula but I got weaning food and grinded it in a blender and I’m feeding him that today. I hope he gains some strength as he is not looking too good.